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@Kev_D It would be nice for REVIT to have a "lock" on the view on sheets, and if not, maybe a warning window should pop up letting the user know a view on a certain sheet would be deleted, and let user decide if this is what is intended.
One way to prevent important views (like parent views) from being deleted is by placing a revision cloud in the view (plan, section, elevation etc) and then ticking 'issued' in the revision properties.
A specific revision could be created for this reason, just change the 'NUMBERING' & 'SHOW' to 'NONE' to prevent a revision sequence being added to the sheet and so the revision cloud is not visible in the view. You'll need to uncheck 'issued' to place another revision cloud, then go back and check 'issued' afterwards.
If someone tries to delete the view (or by accident) then a warning will pop up:
Views and families can too easily be deleted in the project browser. Please Autodesk, provide a way to lock these view items, or at least provide a warning when deleting a view that is on a sheet. When you have a dozen users in the model accidental deletions are bound to happen.
This idea was posted 3 years ago now and after multiple new Revit releases and updates, it is still only gathering support. It is badly needed so please look at this in more detail @Anonymous
I have noticed that there is a new feature in the works that shows an icon beside each view that is on a sheet. Not exactly a warning (which I can't understand why it is not being looked at), but it is something.
Hi, I amazed that Autodesk has not yet implemented a more robust system to prevent view/sheet deletion. For example, when a view is deleted from the project browser there is NO warning pop-up, however if you delete a section/elevation marker in a view, then you will get a warning pop-up.
My work-around and by far the best way to prevent view/sheet deletion is by creating a revision which I name view protect - internal use and change the numbering to none so it does not effect revision sequences.
I then place a revision cloud on the view OR sheet I want to protect from deletion and then tick the revision as issued and set revision cloud show to none so you don't see the red revision cloud. Now when you try to delete the view/sheet from the properties window you will now get a warning saying "The Revision of this Revision Cloud has been issued. Deletion of this Revision Cloud is prohibited."
NOTE: applying a revision to a sheet by selecting the Revisions on sheets from the properties window will not protect the sheet from deletion even if the revision is ticked as issued. There has to be a revision cloud placed on the sheet to prevent deletion. This can be copied to multiple sheets by copying the revision cloud and pasting to multiple sheets at once by using the paste to selected views option.
Keep in mind though that this revision name will show on the revision table on the sheets, so you can just leave the date and revision name blank so nothing appears in the revision table.