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@BMillarBCG25 though you asking for sheet metal and I was asking for plate the same idea could apply to both, though you would not likely bend extremely thick plate.
@revit team this feature could also be used for stiffening ducting in other words the slight X pattern you see on ducting to stop in bending and warping and/or working out flat pattern for square to rounds etc....
This idea would definitely benefit structural and MEP.
@kimberly_fuhrman-jones please ensure that development teams are aware and implement similar feature for Architecture and Structural as discussed above in this idea.
Query's and comments
This feature will likely need to be functional in both a project level (i.e. custom flashing in architecture) and family editor (i.e. reusable bent plate angle for a number structural projects)....
A query though!!! How will Revit accommodate the different bend settings and calculations (See Inventor). Also 2 machines by different bending machines manufactures may and will likely bend differently. What plan are there to accommodate this differences. Will you be able to select make and model of machine when creating a flat output?
Being able to specify the fold location similar to inventor
Settings for corner notches similar to Inventor. To limit rework when reaches the manufacturer of said item.
I don't feel that my questions warrant a detailed explanation from Autodesk. Just food for thought when development teams actually start coding this into Revit