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Show Relationships Between Model Elements

Show Relationships Between Model Elements

So many Model Elements are connected to each other but there is no way to see all these relationships and making informed decisions when editing them. It would be useful to have a "Relationships" parameter for each element that gives a dialog where you can see what relationships there are with which other elements. Here you could undo these relationships. In a way this is like the new Excavation on Toposolid dialog. You can see what elements are excavating the Toposolid and each element shows what Toposolid it's excavating. You could expand this to all Model Elements.


Relationships you could show and manage here:


  • Hosted Elements/Hosted to
  • Cut by/Cutting
  • Joined by/Joining
  • Attached by/Attaching
  • Excavated by/Excavating
  • Part of Group/All elements in Group
  • And so many more ...

A Wall would show the Roof it's attached to, the Doors and Windows it's hosting, the Walls it's joined by, ...

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