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Sheets / Title Block Schedule - Parameters

Sheets / Title Block Schedule - Parameters

If possible to add Title Block parameters to Sheet Schedule, then would be able to control visibility parameters through the Schedule, making it much easier to coordinate. Also being able to read Sheet Parameters on Title Block parameters formulas would make Revit a lot more powerful.

Or alternatively, being able equal instance parameters to parameters from other categories in the project environment, where one could then read instance project parameters as opposed to global parameters.

Not applicable

Currently it is not possible to add the paramter "Scale" to the sheet list schedule. This is a requirement for us in 99% of the projects, to have this information here, as it aids the client and contractor when overlooking the project.


I get around it, by inserting a shared parameter, both in titleblock and sheet schedule. But it feels counterproductive to do so, as the information is right there in the parameter.

Tags (1)

we can totally relate, thanks for posting this, kudos!



Please make it possible to add view scale in sheet lists. The information is already available but the function is not added to the program.

Tags (1)

It seems weird that you aren't able to have the Scale parameter as an field in Sheet Schedules

Tags (3)

This is possible in View Schedule however, where the scales are actually housed. Though they come through as an integer for the parameter "Scale Value   1:". Thus a 1/4"=1'-0" drawing shows as 48. Adding a length based formula parameter to the schedule that reads "1'/ Scale Value    1:" will allow you to have a column that reads "1/4"" or "1/8"" or similar. Or I just added a long IF/Then statement that basically says if(Scale Value=48,"1/4"=1'-0"","NTS""except with all the standard architectural scales nested in there. This then gives me a column with nice readable scales. 


Not exactly what you're looking for, but I hope it helps.


As a more encompassing idea: maybe someday we can have formula parameters as shared parameters. That way we can pull information from other categories and formulate the data. We could do something along the lines of quarry all view scales on a sheet, and provide a list of all different scales (in proper formatting) and report that on the sheet. THEN! That would turn all on required view scale reference bars as part of the sheet title block.


Hi @RobertAGlover 


Yep, I know of the View Schedules having the Scale parameter. 

And I actually also have an Addin copying the scale to a Sheet Parameter, so I am able to get it. But then I need to update, as that isn't dynamic. 


What I wonder, is that the Sheet actually knows the Scale. When selecting a Sheet, containing Views, it states in the properties a Scale parameter, with the value according to the View(s) on the Sheet. - so why doesn't Revit allow me to put that on a Sheet.? 😐 


Ah didn't realize about the plugin, cool trick. Can you share what plugin? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you have to go to the plugin and actually hit a button. At that point the plugin looks at the views, reads the scales, and then places some text into the sheet parameter. Sound about right?

Interesting thing about views on sheets is that additional parameters are put into the view, or at least only visible when the view is on a sheet. This would suggest that some of the parameters, such as detail number are not typical parameters. I would guess that means the scale is in the same vein. 


Unfortunately, there are MANY parameters that you can see and modify in the properties window but can not pull in schedules. For example, sheets and views can not be referenced in a standard schedule, they have to have their own schedules. Alas, I think this is the same thing.



I'm sorry but I don't think there is a fix to this issue at this time. Several people have suggested something similar in the Ideas page for the Research and Development team. Please go to these and vote for them to help show Autodesk that it is important to you.


Community Manager
Thanks for taking the time to submit your idea. Unfortunately, this idea did not get the support of the community over the last 6 months and as such we will not be pursuing it at this time. Please feel free to rework (titles and clear descriptions are really important) and resubmit this one down the road.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived




Add "View Scale" Parameter in Sheet List Schedule. In my opinion, one of the essential parameters in this list.


Although it can be solved with Dynamo , But This is the default requirement.


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We need that too. It's a simple thing to add to a rather pricey product ...


Moreover, I'd like to able to make a schedule of title blocks. As I see it, titleblocks pertain to 'Annotation symbols' category. But even for that one cannot make a schedule ...



Not applicable

Absolutely agree.

This is such a timeconsuming obstacle, not being able to alternate values of title block family, most often yes/no for visibility, without actually having to open every sheet and do this several-step-clicking-process. Make it possible to schedule, or make it possible to control by a shared parameter. Global parameter is not an answer, since one usually needs different values per instance.

Not applicable

Hope there staffs make our wish come true.


We need this ability!

Not applicable

I agree, I have a set of generic annotations in my titleblock that are set up on a family type parameter that would be great to schedule out into the sheet schedule.


This is definitely needed.  Currently I have a project with over 100 drawings, 7 areas on the key plan, & 3 north rotations.  I have to open each sheet, click on the title block, and set each of these.  So far, I'm spending over 5 hours on this, instead of 10 minutes with a schedule.

Make view information available in a sheet list. Directly not as embedded schedule please.View scale i sheet list.jpg


Hello Vivi,


I've voted previously other posts with the same request: probably if we "join voices" the idea can get materialised!

When voting this idea, can we all vote the following ones?:

KristianKvistgaard :

tso :




Thanks, I’ve voted on all 3. 
I’ve searched for view scale before posting, but nothing appeared.

Perhaps Autodesk would take all 4 and put together to one idea?



That would be ideal... they all have lots of votes... But just in case they have some sort of way to only filter or sort the ideas by the most voted ones.

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