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I like - a lot - this idea because I could keep the synchronization feature even if I have to work with several files linked... But sometimes it could take long (long) time reloading unnecessarily because none is editing some links (imagine the site model!). What if instead of ALL the linked models Revit would "sync" (Reload) only the ones that have changed (if AutoCAD can know which link has been edited... maybe in Revit will be possible as well?).
I agree that this feature would not be something that I would be using all the time particularly with large projects as you say. I like your idea of having it only "sync" the changed items. I think Revit Server and C4R may work this way.
This really is expected behavior - if you are synchronizing to save and retrieve the latest data, you would expect that data to include the referenced files.
Yes, it should be optional. Maybe as a check box in Synchronize and Modify Settings. I could also see it as a separate Yes/No dialog that pops up with Synchronize Now.
I would love if Revit reloaded the link when someone on the team reloads a link and syncs.
At the moment, the other users on the project also have to manually reload the link to see the changes, even if another user has reloaded and synced and everyone else has synced. This then requires extra communication where there shouldn't have to be any.
If a user reloads a link, revit should flag that when everyone else syncs and should reload on sync for those users as well.