It's tough to do any real Facilities Management without having a Date parameter type.
I'm talking about a parameter where you could add 60 days to May 10 and end up with July 9 (if my math is correct)
This would be not just Text, but a parameter that would be (behind the scenes) something like a Julian date.
Currently, we can make Text, Integer, Number, Length, Area, Yes/No, etc. Type of Parameters.
Sure you can create a Text parameter and put anything in there you want, but it's just dumb Text.
For Facilites Management we need to be able to take a parameter and add 9 months to it for things like Lease Expiration, or 2 years for Carpet Replacement, or 60 days for Equipment Maintenance, or specify a Delivery Date forConstruction Sequencing.
The formatting should be part of the output, similar to how you can set your Length to Decimal or Feet & Inches.