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Property line types

Property line types

Hi, I would like to be able to create diferent types of property line. Specifically I would like one blue and one red.


In the UK, when you submit planning they ask for the site area to be outlined in red and additional land owned by the applicant to be outlined in blue. Currently I have to do this by overriding the colour of one of the property lines in every view. It would be nice if I could create two types of property line to do the same job more elegantly


(I have attached an example)


I think you can create a View Filter (in your project template) that automatically override your property line by a parameter like Comments.


But I agree that Property Line Types would be valuable for other thinks like Setbacks, Easements and Right Of Way. And other thinks like property line projection in section/elevation, Easting and Northing coordinates for property line vertex (star of line). Option to flip direction of property line segments bearing (some time, when you draw it by pick line, its bearing angle optain incorrect N/S and E/W direction value).


Hi, what I am after is two different coloured property lines in the same view. I don't know how to do that at the momnet without overiding the projection line property by element in each view


Thanks, that would be an ideal solution for me


Unfortunately, view filters are only for the big children. I'm using Revit LT!

I guess I will keep using the manual method until I can afford full Revit

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