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Prevent published models from syncing back to the cloud when opened.

Prevent published models from syncing back to the cloud when opened.

This has been an issue for several months and hasn't had a response from support, so I'll add it here:


Published models that are downloaded and opened will sync any changes back to the C4R model, if the user has access to the project. The person will even appear in the communicator dialog as being in the model. Changes can be synced back and forth, at least in models without other files linked into it. It may work with files with links when Revit thinks that all the links are the most up-to-date version.


It happens when:

  • The file (no links) is opened through the open dialog [Detach from central could be checked, but isn't default or forced]
  • The file (no links) is opened by double clicking on a model within an extracted folder


It doesn't happen when:

  • The file (with links) is opened through the open dialog [forces Detach from central]
  • The file (with links) is opened by double clicking on a model within a zip folder [tries to sync, sync fails]
  • The file (with links) is opened by double clicking on a model within an extracted folder [tries to sync, sync fails]
  • When the user is signed out of Autodesk [doesn't appear to have C4R licence, Revit keeps asking for a sign in and locks the program]
  • When the user isn't part of the project [sync fails]


Not Tested:

Published model with all links up-to-date



This is a huge problem, as we pull down published models as archives at milestones, and use them if we need to restore deleted content or investigate something in a consultant's model so we don't affect the "live" model. There should never be a risk that however anyone handles a published model it will sync back to the central model.

1 Comment

Signed in or not. Opening via Revit Open or double click from Windows Explorer (not zip file). Either v2017 or v2018.

In all cases it returns only one dialog:


We too pull frequently all our Revit Cloud Models from the BIM360 Team hub for backup purposes. All gave above dialog while opening.


Maybe you could post this case on, I hope you will get more response there.

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