It would be great if plan regions could be drawn once in a working view, named similar to how you can name a view template, and then be applied to any view you want similar to how you can crop a view based on a scope box.
Currently, if I need to make a change to a plan region but I've already copied it to multiple views they do not update across multiple views. I think we need this functionality, and however it is handled it needs to accommodate multiple plan regions on a single floor/view. I certainly understand that they cannot cross boarders, and there never should be a need to do so, but I'm dealing with an existing building right now that has many variations of levels just on the first floor itself. I feel like this is more of a common problem that made out to be, and being able to "apply" a plan region outline across multiple views so that they all change at the same time when updated speaks to the power of Revit, yet it is very static currently.