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Phasing, Showing Future Phases

Phasing, Showing Future Phases

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but the workarounds are a pain to make this work and I think this would make everyones lives that use phasing and bid packages on every job easier.  We need an option to be able to show future equipment.  I am not aware of others standards, but we show future as a halftone, dashed line.  I usually have an underground package for my feeder conduits and underground utilities and I need to be able to show the "future" gear being installed in a future bid package for reference for the contractor.  Currently, I use grouping and dummy gear so I do not accidentally circuit to the dummy gear.  It would be so much more efficient to be able to show future equipment in a current phase so when the future phase is updated, the current phase reflects what is projected.  This would also make coordination a lot easier between all parties involved.


To be able to filter and see a future phase.


I mentioned the same thing a few days ago, hopefully this happens



When using phasing you can set a plan views phase to 'Existing' or 'New Construction', you then set the phase filter to display demolitions etc.


This works fine, but the one view which is not possible to create is an Existing Plan (showing the existing room names), along with the demolitions which are from the 'New Construction' phase.


The demolitions can only be shows for the current phase.


Phasing needs the ability to show this basic view requirement.


This would be so helpful. Standard practice for demo plans is to show existing elements + demo elements dashed. Right now, we have to set the phase of the view to new construction to be able to see the demo. That means however that when somebody models an element in the demo plan, it disappears because it's considered as a new construction item. 


I'm aware of the workarounds, but it would be much intuitive if we were able to show "future demolition in the next phase". 


I agree.  We stack views, but it's an extra step and layer of management and training that we shouldn't need.

Not applicable

I would like to be able to control the visibility of future phases in the phase filters dialogue.
at the moment they are all set to "not shown" by default. but it would be useful to show them semi-transparent/halftone/light grey or however, I want. this way when showing complex staging diagrams it's clear what still needs to be installed.

at the moment I have to do this with a custom parameter and filters. this is just stupid as there is already a system for dealing with 4D information in Revit, it's just very limited.
the other issue is if I go to all the effort of setting up custom shared parameters and filters I can only change the graphics, not the material. this means I can't render out the result I want because I have no way to override the material of the item in the future.
the attached mechanical installation image is one from a sequence I have been providing to consultants and they are very happy with the ability to easily see the installed equipment (dark grey), the current phase equipment to be installed (RED) and the future equipment that still needs to come (transparent).

In summary:

add a "Future" option to Phase Filters
allows filters to select objects by phase, and allow filters to change material.

at the very least, allow filters to change material.



Future Phase Filter.pngCS - Sheet - 23 - Unnamed.jpg

Tags (6)

Id would be nice if they did this.  I posted this same idea last year and even brought it up the 2 times I was at gunslingers.  Maybe 2020 is when it will happen


HEY, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I want Future Category, too. 

I have submitted Revit Idea and attached my Revit file on that idea. So they can play with my file like a toy.

Here is the link:


Here is the link to my Revit file, so you can play that file like a toy:


For Revit 2020 or 2020.1 or even a 2019.3

A Future Phase column in Phasing Filters is an excellent idea.

Schedules already have the ability to filter by Phases.

This is what could be used for proposed changes.

Status changed to: Implemented

Congratulations! Due to the new functionality just released in Revit 2022 around Phases in View Filters, it is now possible to show Future phases in New Construction views with graphic overrides (Filters).


Help | View Filter Enhancements | Autodesk


Thank you for your Idea!

-The Factory



Congratulations! Due to the new functionality just released in Revit 2022 around Phases in View Filters, it is now possible to show Future phases in New Construction views with graphic overrides (Filters).


Does that suggest my idea is similar? Add Future category for Phasing. - Autodesk Community





@kimberly_fuhrman-jones This should not be considered implemented, since filters can only make future items visible if the phasing filter is set to "none".  While the ability to target phases in combination with a none phase filter is a better work-around than previously available, it is still not the preferred solution, since using no phasing filter would require a manual recreation of any desired phase overrides.


The desire is to be able to show a current and past phases, with their phase overrides AND show elements on a desired future phase in a graphical style that is set once for the project.  Adding a "future" category to the phase filters as originally requested is an important step that has not yet been taken.  An alternative would be to allow filters setting objects created in a later phase as visible to override the phase filter that is hiding them.

@jkidder  Thank you for your input. In fact, I have just had the very same conversation with our product team surrounding this scenario (I once worked on a project with 24 phases, and this may not have been a viable solution). While it does provide a way to show the future phase, it may not be the most convenient solution. Please know that we are continuing to process this further and will continue to evaluate feedback on this Idea.



@WFTDesign I would tend to agree, although it looks as though your Idea and @Anonymous ' Idea (which was merged with this one) specifically ask for the Future category in the Phase Filter dialog box. I would be inclined to leave yours separate from this one because this original post was asking for a way "to show future equipment in a current phase so when the future phase is updated, the current phase reflects what is projected", but doesn't mention the Phase Filter dialog box specifically. Semantics, I know...if you feel that yours should be marked Implemented as well, I will certainly do that for you.


Thank you!





Does that suggest my Revit Idea is to specifically ask for the Phase Filter dialog much like what Radish_G show his image that shows the FUTURE COLUMN in my Revit Idea then I would see that then it would be successfully implemented, right?

@WFTDesign  Correct. As of Revit 2022, there is no Future column in the Phase Filter dialog. 




Okay, do you think Future Column CAN BE ADDED? How is Joe Banks' idea different from my idea?

@kimberly_fuhrman-jones I'm glad to here it is still being reviewed.  Another problem with setting the phase filter to "none" is you also must create a filter to turn off all the demolished elements, since those will show by default.

@WFTDesign  Your Idea is the same as Joe's. His was merged into this Idea prior to my joining the team. Whether it can be added or not is up to the product teams. The Revit Public Roadmap shows what the teams are currently working on and is constantly being updated. I would also encourage anyone to sign up for the beta Preview Release program to test new features (no time commitment required!) and give feedback directly to the product teams.


Hope this helps!


Status changed to: Gathering Support

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