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We have non-rectangular crop regions. Can we please have non-rectangular scope boxes so we don't have to copy/paste the non-rectangular crop region to 30 views.......
I think I've done all of one building in my career so far that could be easily split up into rectangular regions. Please add a non-rectangular functionality to the scope boxes!
A non Rectangular Scope Box seems like a mundane upgrade, but so is a Spell check tool, and Revit still doesn't have that either. I could better accept some of Revit's long standing shortcomings if someone on the development team could explain why an upgrade is difficult from a programming standpoint.
There actually is a spell checker in Revit. I don't remember when it was introduced, but it was at least by 2018. After you've added your text, you can either select the text or start a text command again, and then check out the "Text" category under the "Modify" tab. [cid:image001.png@01D7A58F.C03600F0] I think it's a little strange that the spell checker is not available while you are typing - it's really only available for editing text, but it is there. And as a terrible speller myself, I can attest, that it really comes in handy. If you have some text selected, It will start with that and ask if you want to scan the remainder of the text in that view. If you have nothing selected - say on a sheet, and just start the text command, you can check the entire sheet.
@duane.smith I've found it's better to run spell check on the PDF as the built-in Revit checker only looks at actual "Text" (not Tags, View Titles, etc.). Some related to that:
This idea would be great and seems like a foundational issue for creating and organizing sets of drawings. I don't see how this is less of a priority than something like generative design, which strikes me as a very fluffy feature.
It would be really helpful to have the option to customize scope boxes. At this moment the only option we have, is a square/rectangular cube. If we are able to use the sketch tools to size and form our scope boxes, we can easily separate the parts we want to show in a floor plan/on a sheet, from the parts we don't want to show. For example this would be useful in an apartment building with different residences and common areas. Or to set a scope box equal to the outlines of a key plan. At this time we use masked regions to hide the parts we do not want to show on a sheet. This takes time and effort. Much easier and more efficient if custom scope boxes are added to our set of possibilities in Revit!
Apartment not rectangular shaped
Common area in the core of the building, not rectangular shaped.
Example: Apartment building with common area in the core of the building.
Red line: Available "normal sized/shaped" scope box. Green Line: Not available "custom sized/shaped" scope box.
Don't blame Autodesk, Blame your cable TV company! It was them who started the business model of focusing all actions on getting new customers and ignoring the old, then jacking up the costing knowing you had no options, Autodesk just adopted it!
@SeanSpence True. Trying to convince my spouse in software engineering to get into Autodesk so he can stand up for useful ideas. Autodesk's reluctance to fix basic issues like this is so so so so so so frustrating. How many thousands of votes does an idea need before they decide that it's necessary?
I believe it's not due to lack of willingness on the software engineering part of the Autodesk team but due to the mindset of management staff - "we won't do ****, and people will still buy our software, because they depend on it"-kinda...
It would be great if there was an easy way to do partial 3D sections (if there is, please let me know). The current workaround is very time consuming and imprecise. Would it be possible to add an inverse option to scope boxes and then have them nest inside each other?
To explain, just as a scope box allows you to see everything within its boundary, the inverse scope box would cut everything out of its boundary. You'd be able to intersect them to create partial 3D sections; kind of like a boolean operation in rhino, but it would be adjustable on the fly.
The image below demonstrates what I'm talking about. It's a 3D view, but there's a section taken out of the corner. Doable, but clumsy and time-consuming.
6 years later and still nothing! How many useless changes have been implemented in that time but something as valuable to EVERYONE is ignored because Autodesk cant figure out how to do it.
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