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Multiple Project Browsers

Multiple Project Browsers

Just as you can open up multiple folders in windows, the capability to open multiple project browsers would make it easier when checking different sheets against each other in larger projects. For example you may wish to check your interior design drawings against your floor plans, there are so many sheets that it is time consuming to scroll up and down constantly, even when you have minimized unnecessary sheets or folders.


While working on big projects it would be very useful to open more than one window or projectbrowser. To avoid fastiduous scrolling up and down in a endless list of views, plans, schedules, families and groups one could set a focus on a working topic and filter down the concerned element categories in 2 or more projectbrowser windows. Another helpful feature would be to have an equivalent the view commandes isolate element/isolate category in projectbrowser.

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I don't think this would be that usefull, maybe the ability to have one tab to project views, one for templates and one for families. That could work, more than that I'm personally not a fan.

Hi susana.duarte,

Tabs for the diffents categories would be a solution as well as long as you have multiples windows of the projectbrowser. Not later than this morning I had to scoll kilometers up and down because we where manging the relationship between more than 200-300 views on approx 100 sheet. Rapidly one looses control over his task while scrolling constantly up and down. Two windows would have helped .This doesn't mean that anyone has to use the feature if it availaible in the future.


I can understand where this comes handy - it's like having two instances of the windows explorer open when copying files back and forth (wouldn't like to miss that one either!) 

Exactly, should be very handy while working on complex topics where scrolling from families to sheets or views distracts attention.


I agree totally, the browser requires an overhaul. I have 200 sheets in my project & management is a pain. Logically  the sheets should have it's own  separate browser. Requires a better search functionality.

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if it is possible to open multiple "Project Browser", it can reduce a lot of time to scroll in project browser to find views, sheets and families.


For example, if Revit allows to open several project browsers, an user can open a project browser for views, another one for families and the other for sheets. Then, it can be much easier to navigate in project browser and save time to scroll it.

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especially would be nice with multiple models open, to keep both open and not have that flicker-delay when switching between tabs of different projects...

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or being able to have multiple columns in project browser, while we have it open in secondary monitor, can help.

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So, here is another question along those lines. 

I have inadvertently loaded too many objects/families into my Project Browser, for  example under "Furniture" I have extracted all components of a zip file which resulted in loading objects that are not needed into my project making it sluggish. In SketchUp you can "Purge" objects that have been loaded into your project but NOT USED in the project. 

Is there something comparable in Revit?


The project browser is a one-stop window for many tasks that need performed.  So much, that there needs to be an option to have multiple project browsers open, or filtered project browsers.  Even items such as adding views to sheets can be cumbersome with one window - open the sheet, scroll up to find the view, drag and drop views.  It'd be great to have a "Sheet" Browser, "Families" Browser, "Views" Browser, or "Schedules"/"Legends" browsers.  Since it is customized, there's many different ways a "Project Browser" could be set to help make work more efficient.  Navisworks does this to some extent with the Saved Views, Properties, Selection Tree, Sheet Browser, and others.  Revit is limited to Properties, Systems Browser, and Project Browser. 

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Scrolling is miserable. Just say no.

In 3DS Max, when you expand the width of the Command Panel, it automatically subdivides into multiple columns. That would be a great start.



I know we all hope that Autodesk would fulfill our wishes. But that might take some time. In the meantime, check out this addin, maybe that could help you.


Disclaimer: I'm the developer. Support is highly appreciated and will lead to further improvements :). 

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Being able to have one browser open for my construction list (tons of planes), then one for bodies, and another for sketches would be amazing for models that grow beyond anything small. I am constantly scrolling up and down the browser and it really hampers work flow. 


I support this idea.  Views, Sheets, Families, Schedules do not always need to be in a single scrolling window as they are separate in themselves.  Allowing the user the option to position these as separate windows as needed on their workstations would save time.  Not asking for a re-build, just a user option.


2022 and this would still be a great feature, especially for applying standards against multiple projects simultaneously. You cannot copy paste between Revit instances so even if you wanted to use that as a work around, it doesn't help.


Very surpised this isn't possible in Revit

Surely it should be really easy to implement this more than like just a 1 line change to the code base

Can't some autodesk programmer do this in like his coffee break?


A small thing would make life so much better for unfortunate Architects working in large files


This would be so much better than the current overcrowded project browser. I don't use a second monitor but a sheet browser would sit nicely on a second browser when I'm doing layout


PLEASE FIX THE BROWSER. Make multiple iterations possible. Make sorting more functional. Allow the user more options to more accurately define and filter the necessary organization. Views should be available in list form, detailed, or hierarchical just like 30 year old folder management. This should not be something for which we are still hoping. 

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