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Move item between two points

Move item between two points

I see there's yet another thread about adding a to snap to  midpoint feature.

I've explained elsewhere why I disagree with this need. Basically because it's so "AutoCAD-think"

However, I had an idea that's more Revit-like.

Rather than snapping while placing, how about a tool that could center an element after it's been placed.

Here's the current process:

  1. Place Element
  2. Add a Dimension from Point 1 to element to Point 2
  3. Click EQ on the Dimension to move the element.
  4. Uncheck the EQ
  5. Delete the Dimension

My Idea: Create a new "Center Object" Dimension tool that would combine all of the above steps into one tool

Place Element

  1. Click  "Center object"
  2. Pick point 1, the element, and Point 2.

Done. The tool would do steps 3, 4, and 5 automatically without further human input.

  • Much more Revit-like
  • Does not require re-programming every input tool (which is the technical reason behind why a snap is difficult)
  • Works with existing tools



Could be a contextual command when placing any component! Could have a raft of these such as allow to place a set offset from something in plan view i.e pick a wall and allow to place an 100mm offset from it (or similar). 


When dimensioning in detail view I still need to snap to the centre/mid point. Agreed, your idea might be better automated and more 'revit like' when placing elements but for adding dimensions in the detail views a mid point snap would be handy.

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