I see there's yet another thread about adding a to snap to midpoint feature.
I've explained elsewhere why I disagree with this need. Basically because it's so "AutoCAD-think"
However, I had an idea that's more Revit-like.
Rather than snapping while placing, how about a tool that could center an element after it's been placed.
Here's the current process:
- Place Element
- Add a Dimension from Point 1 to element to Point 2
- Click EQ on the Dimension to move the element.
- Uncheck the EQ
- Delete the Dimension
My Idea: Create a new "Center Object" Dimension tool that would combine all of the above steps into one tool
Place Element
- Click "Center object"
- Pick point 1, the element, and Point 2.
Done. The tool would do steps 3, 4, and 5 automatically without further human input.
- Much more Revit-like
- Does not require re-programming every input tool (which is the technical reason behind why a snap is difficult)
- Works with existing tools