When making non-sloped roofs in Revit 2023 or earlier you can modify the roof by modifying it's sub elements in the same way domumented in the link below.
Since the Revit 2023.1 update (I think) it changed.
in earlier versions, when clicking Modify Sub Elements all values were "0" at default.

Since 2023.1 it shows more options where we get the option to choose an Elevation base.

in earlier versions it was 0
This means 0 (you are not making a height adjustments to the roofs variable layer)
This way we can calculate the different percentages of a complex roof and fill in the result in the different points/lines of the sub elements.
It looks like we only have the option to give an elevation relative to Current level/Project Base Point/Survey Point/Internal origin.
This would mean there would be no default 0 value anymore because roofs in Revit are drawn on top of a level.
Is there a setting in Revit where we can revert it to "the old ways"?
Because now it looks like we lost an easy to use function and replaced it with a complicated function with no real meaning.