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modify sub elements relative to elevation base: roof

modify sub elements relative to elevation base: roof

When making non-sloped roofs in Revit 2023 or earlier you can modify the roof  by modifying it's sub elements in the same way domumented in the link below.


Since the Revit 2023.1 update (I think) it changed.

in earlier versions, when clicking Modify Sub Elements  all values were "0" at default.





Since 2023.1  it shows more options where we get the option to choose an Elevation base.





in earlier versions it was 0

This means 0 (you are not making a height adjustments to the roofs variable layer)

This way we can  calculate the different percentages of a complex roof and fill in the result in the different points/lines of the sub elements.


It looks like we only have the option to give an elevation relative to Current level/Project Base Point/Survey Point/Internal origin.

This would mean there would be no default 0 value anymore because roofs in Revit are drawn on top of a level.


Is there a setting in Revit where we can revert it to "the old ways"?

Because now it looks like we lost an easy to use function and replaced it with a complicated function with no real meaning.


I just discovered this change to how modify sub-elements worked, and it's been a while since I last used it.  When did they make this change?  And who is the make-work moron who thought this would be a good idea?

@arno.boeykens , I've alerted the product team to your issue. They may reach out to you for more information.


Thank you!



Should be an option "Relative to Element", to get a behaviori similar to previous one.


There HAS to be a "relative to element" option, which makes all points and edges "0" initially.  This is insanity.  There is no use for needing to measure from some other datum for a roof where low slopes are involved.  If my roof is 9 feet above a level, and it 5 5/8" thick, I don't want to have to subtract my edge that's dropping 1 1/4 inches, from 9'-5 5/8".  I want to just put in -1.25".  It was so simple before and now is so much more complicated.

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


To follow the progress of features in development, please see the Revit Public Roadmap and join the Revit Preview Release to participate in feature testing.


The Factory


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones I reviewed the public roadmap and if I had the choice for one feature, I would choose this one. In a current project I have roofs on an existing building that are flat bottomed with a 2% sloping top that I use sub elements in the roof type to model. There are 15 different roof heights of roofs that we are doing a re roofing package on, and for each one of these I need to cut a section through it to determine my "0" variable thickness starting point which I can then math my way to a 2% slope. I'd recommend an option like "Relative to default thickness" or something like that.

This is an extremely important feature to add back to Revit.

Also, after reviewing the roadmap further I couldn't actually find this feature on it. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

@Jstroomer , Thank you for taking the time to review the roadmap and for your additional feedback! I will forward your note to the team.




@kimberly_fuhrman-jones It should not be considered as a roadmap feature to add. It should be considered as a major bug, that needs to be fixed. It was almost a year since it appeared in Revit, and yet still no solution? 

@danilenko_architect ,


This issue was originally posted as an Idea by someone else. I moved that Idea to the forums for bug support and escalation, and our teams are currently working on the issue. This Idea was posted a second time, so rather than again move to the forums, I chose to accept the Idea rather than duplicate the post a second time. As stated, this issue is active and our development teams are working on a solution. I am sorry that we cannot give you a more definitive timeline or date of issue, but stay tuned.


absolutely a bug, some "smart" guys make this change from previous version which is totally not necessary and nonsense, but, people make mistakes 😞


In the recent update 2024.2 this issue was resolved (I am not sure about 2023). There is an option to set elevation from "top plane" of an object.


I would like to add a little bump to this...

It's good that it has been added back in for 2024 but we have projects on-going in 2023 and need this feature back in it as soon as possible.

Status changed to: Implemented

We are pleased to say that this has been implemented in Revit 2024.2! Thank you for your contribution to improving Revit!

 -The Factory



Yeah, we picked up on that a month ago as this chain of comments shows.


That is good news, but is there any news as to getting it back in 2023 as well?



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