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There seems to be a missing "property" when selecting a line that tells you weather that line is a Model, Detail, or Symbolic line, shouldn't this show up in the Properties menu/ panel?
When selecting lines it would be helpful to be able differentiate model lines from detail lines in the project environment and model lines from symbolic lines in the family environment with the selection filter. In a view where there is a mixture of them it is not always easy to tell which is which when you've selected more than one.
Can we have some sort of obvious way to tell which lines are which just by clicking on them ? E.G. Model lines are listed as "Lines" and Detail lines are still listed as "Lines".
If you select a line, it's properties do show up in the Properties panel under Graphics.
It says: Detail Line followed by a (grayed out) checkbox. When checked it's a Detail Line and when unchecked, it's a Model line. I don't think many people notice this, so there's definitely room for improvement...