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Meaningful alerts

Meaningful alerts

Opening a project, Revit presented me with this message box:

20240624 144023-Autodesk Revit 2019.2.6 - [Home].png

Why not just show the problematic cad file's name in the header right next to or instead of 'Revit'? Well that would be the idea.

After finishing the opening process, I found that my predecessors had linked an unfortunate number of cad files to the project and I have no way of telling which of them might be the culprit.

No, I do not want to read the journal file. This idea is to save me from that tedious undertaking.

The screenshot was made using Revit 2019.2.6.


1 Comment

Speaking of alerts.... I'm attempting to sketch some extremely simple geometry using detail lines. Revit leaves much to be desired when it comes to creating/altering basic 2D lines and polygons. Having used many different autodesk products these past 20 years, i expected it to behave something like some of those other products, but it does not. 

You cannot go more than a minute or three without being forced to STOP for ERROR MESSAGES. Not just a warning, but a full blown error, telling you that two lines (one your working on and open random adjacent one it decided to intertwine together) can't remain joined if you continue with the command you just entered. 

You can't just ESC out of there. Revit has decided that disconnecting these two random 2d lines (that you didn't connect together and were just kinda near each other) is sufficiently dangerous that you must stop what youre doing and address the problem immediately.

Warning messages can be cleared by pressing ESC. That would be bad enough in this case.

What could possible go wrong if these two random, previously unconnected/unrelated lines are unjoined? Will it alter the model? Affect other users? Impact anything beyond doing what you're trying to do>? No. 

Now that my phone can accurately predict what I'm gonna do or say or think, one might expect their expensive design software to catch a hint. When I select "unjoin elements" one hundred and thirty seven times in a row, maybe that's what I want. 


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