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Materials based filters

Materials based filters

It is essential that filters get more extended, for instance we need to be able to filter  (and thus color in) elements based on the materials it contains:

ability to color all floors that contain concrete in red, all ceilings that contain a certain insulation material in green, and so on... Too many times, in order to make clear plans for the constructor, we need to indicate where he has to use a certain material, and now this is far to complex to achieve. If you don't search yourself each and every family, or perhaps add a manual parameter, it is almost impossible. And I am convinced Revit is NOT MEANT to be driven by manually filled in parameter...


Yet another one where my thought is 'I cannot believe this is not possible'.


I guess another 10 years of the idea being ignored, in favour of 'Brand New Features' that no one wants or asked for?


Yes, the comment of @CEdwardsUN5MX brought me back here. I asked in german forum (Link ) in 2008 for a solution to this "topic" without succes. And yes, there would be consequences for the classification system in Revit. Walls should have the possibilty to be split in subcategories corresponding to there layers/matierials. And yes, this would be some programming and debuging work. Is this an impossible mission?




I was thinking last night about that famous line by JFK '"we choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard" '.


Revit features, not exactly rocket science, but I suspect the first manned landing on Mars will come before some long standing 'Ideas' have been implemented by Autodesk.

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