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Maintain Annotation Orientation in all family catagories
I´m not sure if I requested this before.
But could you add Maintain Annotation Orientation to all Family Categories? The workaround described in a previous post is not working properly and it gives us an bunch of challenges.
Sometimes we want to show a symbol on a light fixture family, etc. Allow the option for an annotation in all families. Nested workarounds cause other issues within the projects.
This is one of my most desired things in Revit! I get around the issue by using floor hosted families instead of wall hosted families and on sloped ceilings I use reference lines so it is not attached to the sloped ceiling so that my generic annotation symbols work. Please add maintain annotation orientation for all categories.
It's still not possible to display an annotation within a family in both horizontal and vertical orientation of the family within a project on a Floor Plan.
Allow Mechanical wall hosted families to host to linked Architectural walls. Or add maintain annotation orientation to mechanical face hosted families.
This will allow to nest annotation symbols to mechanical families in an easy way for any wall devices.
But there's still no solution for this? Recently we had a project where we have a lot of sloped floors. When placing lichting fixtures on the sloped floors the annotations of the lighting fixtures wont get displayed in the floorplan, because they are not parallel to the floorplan. In this case we had to separatly tag all the fixtures again.
Also, maintain annotation does not work when your family is nested inside another family. For example: we have maintain annotation on for our electrical fixtures. If we nest the electrical fixture inside a Workstation family, the annotation is no longer showing up. If we mount it in exactly the same location but inside the project (instead of nesting it inside the family) it works fine.
Some family categories have an option to show annotation regardless of the hosting orientation, some don't. It would be very helpful if they all did. There are crazy workarounds to show some annotation, but they are convoluted and take extra time and bring in extra content into a project that can cause confusion and extra objects within schedules, etc.
This was already an Idea, multiple in fact, but they were combined and then archived for lack of support. I still feel that it would be a welcomed addition and I don't really feel like it would be that difficult of a thing to implement.
I understand the temptation of reposting the same idea, but it's probably a better approach to rally support in other ways. We might end up with a never-ending reposting battle otherwise 🙂
Also, there's a bug right now with maintain annotation: it does not work when you nest your family inside another family (shared). Very problematic for things like electrical outlets that are often nested inside something else (a workstation for example).
Gah! The archived messages are still there from @sasha.crotty.
Sasha, any way we can clean up the original post and also remove the archived messages? It made me think it was archived and I'm sure it also probably deters folks from "wasting" their votes on an old/archived Idea.
I'm fine with removing this post or merging them again, whatever needs to happen. This is just something that is always reappearing and just a nuisance that shouldn't exist in the software.
I think I'm running up against this same issue--seems like the electrical fixtures (light switches in my case) simply do not have that check box, even now, in Revit 2020?!? Pretty annoying after I built a fancy highly parametric light switch family, only to have the three-way/ four-way/ motion-sensor labels be upside-down...