Similar to how Revit can import Rhino and SketchUp files into Revit as 3D geometry, Revit should also allow the option of linking them.
This means .3dm and .skp files can be linked into a Revit project, assigned a model category so they behave & cut correctly in views, and reloaded at any time without annotations dropping off. Revit should also give the ability to change the linked 3D geometries material.
Currently, my workflow for linking Rhino files into my project is to export from Rhino as a SAT file, and link into Revit via an in-place family. To edit the linked file material within Revit, I do this via Object Styles - Imported Objects... however in order for the link to have its own category under Object Styles - Imported Objects instead of the 'Imports in Families' category, the link needs to be reloaded under Manage Links!?