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Linked models honor host model line weights

Linked models honor host model line weights

Currently linked models display their own line weights regardless of "By Host/Link" status. 



VV > Revit Links > Display Setting =

  • By Host View = displays host model's line weights.
  • By Linked View = displays linked model's line weights.
  • Custom > Basics : Object styles = <By host model> = displays host model's line weights.
  • Custom > Basics : Object styles = <By linked model> = displays linked model's line weights.
Not applicable

We'd like to have the ability to select the lineweight source for linked RVT files.


Currently, Revit uses the linked files lineweight settings within a host or "base" file. In order to make our drawings follow the host/base lineweights, we have to transfer project standards into the linked file, and reload the link in the host/base file. This becomes tedious when a dozen linked files must be modified to fit a common standard.


A function that allows us to use host files lineweights for links would be great!

Tags (3)
Not applicable

Today, the verbiage of the default display properties for linked files, "By Host View", would give any reasonable person the impression that the linked model is displayed according to the graphic settings of the host view. However, for lineweights and phase filters, among other things, the link only superficially appears to be following the settings of the same name in the host model. In actuality, the link is displayed according to the settings within the linked file, even though these may frequently differ from the host view. For example: walls in a linked file may be set to display by host view, and you can override what pen number you want the walls to have, but the lineweight associated with that pen number is drawn from the link, not the host. For files from consultants with different model standards, this is highly problematic. An even worse example: for phase filters to work at all on linked models, the same phase filter with the exact same (case-sensitive) name must exist in both files. You can tell a linked model to follow a given phase filter, but if it doesn't exist in the link, the phase filter won't work on it.


Proposal: linked models to actually adopt all graphics settings from the host, just like anyone would think it should.

Tags (3)

Yes yes, great one. Please upvote!


I totally agree. We have no control over the line weights used in linked models created by external parties, and they make a real mess of our graphics. The best that we have done is have them assign some of their unused line weights to the finer settings that we generally use, and then do custom settings for each link in our view templates. This requires a lot of cooperation and coordination.


I can't imagine anyone ever wanting it to work the way it works now.  You are shooting blind when trying to pick the right one of their lineweights (if there even is a right one).  When working on BIM 360, especially if your phase filters affect lineweights, having linked models honor your lineweights is even more imperative.


Please address this Autodesk. The only feasible workaround to this problem (temporarily Transfer Project Standards for Line Weights into consultant models when we receive them) is not possible when working live with BIM360/ACC.


It's hard to think of a circumstance when we'd want elements of the same Revit Category in the host model and a linked model to show up with different line weights because there's no way to adjust them...


Came up against this issue again today. For some reason, in only ONE of their four BIM 360 models, the architect added hyphens to Line Pattern names (Dot - 1/32" instead of Dot 1/32"), so demolished elements were showing solid instead of "dashed" (we're using dots on this project because of the small size of elements being demolished). It's a Revit 2022 project, so we can make Filters based on Phase Demolished (which use OUR Line Patterns), otherwise I'd need to create a Line Pattern with a matching name.


The real issue with this problem/"bug" ISN'T that it's hard to overcome (it's a relatively easy fix). The issue is that it's RIDICULOUS and unexpected (so takes a while for us to remember the "feature" exists).


Yes Please. Visibility control should not rely on the settings in a linked model.

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


To follow the progress of features in development, please see the Revit Public Roadmap and join the Revit Preview Release to participate in feature testing. (Note that Accepted Ideas may not be immediately available.)


The Factory


Very Cool

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