Currently Revit doesn't have the capability to signify the difference between a schedule, key schedule, note block, etc within the Project Browser. Everything is grouped under the non-descriptive heading of "Schedule." I propose to update the project browser to read the view type and add a more descriptive title to the different view types that are currently grouped under schedules. IE: "Key Schedule: XXXX" of "Note Block: XXXX"
This especially becomes an issue when trying to determine if a schedule is scheduling actual building components or scheduling keys for those building components. More so if you were not the creator of the project and are troubleshooting how an user set up the various schedules within the project. Each type right now is just labeled "Schedule." The only true way to tell is to get into the view and see if you can insert a data row into the schedule, thereby confirming it's scheduling keys and not building components.
I realize that a user should be able to understand by the information in the schedule if a schedule is scheduling keys or not, but it would provide more clarity if the view type in the project browser was actually descriptive of the view. IE "Key Schedule: XXXX" or "Note Block: XXXX" instead of the generic "Schedule: XXXX". This would even allow us to group the views better within the project browser for those of us with organizational OCD