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Insert Views from Template Files into Project Files

Insert Views from Template Files into Project Files

In the insert tab under the load from library section there is a button that says to insert either a view from file or a 2d element from file. This function only works when inserting a view from another project or autodesk  transfer file. It would be useful to be able to insert a view from a revit template file.


Those of us who work a lot on setting up templates could use some help making these files more accessible. Now I have to create a model from any RTE file I need to import a view from.


Thank you!


I posted the same thing a while ago here

The idea has since been Archived (whatever that means for the process) 


Hi, @Anonymous, why want to do that if you can do it from any .rvt file? Better to create some kind of library file for uploading into a new project, but it already can be done with .rvt files (one by one or all at a time), no special feature its needed for that. Maybe we are misunderstanding .rte files. They are intended to store and organize system families (which cannot be saved individually as loadable families) in order to transfer as a whole into a new project. Maybe if everybody wants to upload all the stuff in a model at once...


My template is set up so that I have hundreds of details and detail views already in place and ready to use. I have a details template and a project template. I want to be able to load the views directly into my latest project without any problems. I have in the past created a new project from the details template and then inserted the views from there.


Another purpose for this would be if I have to open an old project that no longer meets up to the latest template. I need to make a new view and copy and paste the template view into the old project. It is super time consuming and quite irritating. 


If I could push the same button that allows me to import views from other projects to upload views from templates that would be ideal


There's another similar Idea here from 2018

Which in turn, links to my Idea from 2016

Unfortunately, neither of them got many upvotes


Hi, @robert and @dplumb_BWBR ,


Let's combine these and help boost the votes!


Thank you for your Ideas!



Yes, please.

Thanks Kimberly


This also does not work with Revit Server or Cloud projects.  Adding that functionality would be most helpful.


Several years later and this is still not implemented. It seems like a completely reasonable use of Revit and I can't imagine why Templates and Project Files are so identical yet treated so differently, but Autodesk strongly disagrees I guess.

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