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Find and select text notes

Find and select text notes

Filtering text note selection. For example, Find text containing DB/ in view or in entire project. 

As an example we have been asked to remove text references from layouts. We would like to select specifically parts of the text to quickly select the reference and remove/hide etc. 


Hi, @ipiotis_dinos ,


Can you expand a little more on how this would be different from the current Find/Replace tool? By "layouts" do you mean "sheets"? And is this Idea similar to what you are asking? If so, I can combine them. 

Find and Replace Text view/sheets/schedules - Autodesk Community





Hi there,

The Find/Replace tool only replaces characters. I would like to be able to select text based on given conditions. As an example, I was instructed to remove text references containing the distribution board references. Our engineers added the references as text notes. So I have the view that contains many text notes such as DB/1, DB/2 >... DB/10. I would like to be able to select these text notes only, so I believe the relevant option would be to have a button in the Find / Replace to select the text containing the given characters

@ipiotis_dinos ,


Thank you for the additional clarification! This Idea may be more similar to yours. Feel free to add your vote there, or I can combine with yours.

Select all 2D - Autodesk Community


I would also like this to be added to the find/replace dialog.

I need to delete multiple text notes on a view which contain a certain text.

With find and replace I can see there are text notes in current view that do apply to this criteria but the dialog does not give an option to add this text notes to the current selection.

Then you can do whatever you want (copy/move/delete?) with those selected text notes.


@kimberly_fuhrman-jones , The idea you referred to is not the same as this request.


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