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Field of View controls on camera

Field of View controls on camera

improve Increase/decrease focal length. (widescreen)  Be able to do an AXO vs. an ISO


Along with 3D/Camera/Perspective, how about the ability to use the "Perspective" checkbox that shows up in 3D views (like in Vasari)? It's baffled me since Vasari came out that being able to work in perspective hasn't made its way back into Revit (as well as the ability to bring in aerial images from the location dialog like Vasari can do).


Yes! You can do this in Navisworks so why not in Revit?

Not applicable

I've expressed this wish many times before in many different forums — designers need to be able to work in full perspective 3D view mode. Like any other decent 3D modelling app, you name it and I guarantee that it has full editing ability in 3D perspective mode. Orthographic has its uses and it should of course remain but we must have fully editable perspective mode, not some lame view only mode with a small subset of "editing" capabilities.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for your submission and votes on this idea!  We are evaluating where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision. 


The Factory

Status changed to: Gathering Support

maybe because i'm also a photographer and 3d modeler, but since V-Ray are available for Revit it will be very usefull to a focal length equivalent for any perspective view instead of the dimension on the crop view.

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Actually we have some kind of "Focal Length" tool. But it's very hidden, there it's not an intuitive way to find it without serendipity. I know this tool because a few days ago I searched about into Google.

In a 3D Camera View when you have the Navigation Wheel active and right click on the screen, the "Focal Length" is listed on the menu. This menu is the only place you can find slippery tool...

But it is not a very complete tool, since it does not mark values nor has a focal length parameter and can only define it visually by dragging the mouse. Revit has to do a lot of work with this.

Focal Length.png

Status changed to: Under Review

We need:


FOV control in the camera options menu, with adjustable scale, the "Increase/Decrease Focal Length" from the navigation wheel is hidden and not precise.


The ability to set up options for fixed size crop boundaries, that does not scale. (1x1, 2x3, 4x5, 10x16 etc), and then translate that to the sheet size. Currently the principles mix up too easily, when adjusting "Crop Region Size". Expose it as a property, and allow it to be handled with viewtemplates.


Perspective correction (Scheimpflug principle).


Two point perspectives. Valuable for 3d diagrams too.


Expose all these options in the properties under camera, and allow them in view templates.


Addition to the above points (numeric FOV control/precise camera location), we also need some kind of basic photo-match tool please.

Not applicable

Photo matching is a fantastic idea. It has been asked for before here. We should try and keep these ideas together to keep the votes from being spread.

Anyway, it is such an important step in modern architectural design process. It's a must have feature at least for me and I'm looking forward to the Factory implementing it in the near future.



For those interested in a real (uncropped) perspective mode in Revit, these ideas are worth voting up:



Not applicable

Can we get a more intuitive field of view setup for the camera?!


Try to explain this to someone quasi-new to Revit, in the middle of a project deadline, who needs to make a quick render:




The steering wheel hiding the depth of field is a little....hard to find.


How about a view parameter for this information!!!



Tags (5)

So what happened? 2017 this was under review? Release 2020 still has no real improvements. 


boyce.postma, this was improved in 2019. You can switch any camera or 3D view between ortho and perspective. 

Ortho vs perspective 3D views.jpg


@purvigirwin Have you tried navigating in this mode? Rotating, panning, zooming in, graphic quality - they are all terribly under developed. The camera view perspective is not a viable way of working in a 3D environment - moving through the space, changing shapes / location of objects, snapping, measuring objects, changing your view without flying a mile outside your building.


Although we did get switching between ortho and perspective, the FOV is still very hard to set accurately, and even worse: the FOV often changes by switching between orthographic and perspective. 


What we really need is a FOV parameter, that stays fixed until we change it.


Actually the FOV control is there, very much in plain view, but just like many other Revit features it is stripped down to the very basic / low level concept.

FOV can be controlled by stretching the borders of Crop Region and applying appropriate zoom. This matches exactly the principle of FOV of a camera lens. What we are missing is something that would aid gauge the current view angle with some reference view angle - be it a well known focal length of 35mm camera lens or an absolute angular value. Preset crop view proportions (e.g. 1:1. 3:2, 16;9 etc.) might be an sensible addition.

Status changed to: Gathering Support

In an effort to consolidate threads, we are updating this thread to Gathering Support. We are continuing to evaluate where this request falls into our roadmap and will provide an update when we have made a decision. 


The Factory


The current and only interface option to change focal length of a 3D view, the click-and-hold increase/decrease, is bewilderingly unusable for a professional CAD/BIM system. Why would a user be given a "dial" with no numbers to adjust a variable with potentially infinite scale, and no way to tell what value is current except by intuitive visual feedback?

It's like, "Here is a TV with 1000, or maybe 10,000 or maybe infinite channels, and the remote only has a dial, no clicks, no numbers, no feedback on the TV telling you what channel you are on. You can spin the dial, watch the minutes tick by on the clock, and hope to spot the single-digit local network channels (something close to 35MM) and then use your intuition to dial something meaningful up or down from there. This is our professional channel changer, we designed it to be simple".


Please let us control the focal length in a functional and meaningful way.

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