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Embed Material Textures

Embed Material Textures

With the huge push for collaboration in Autodesk software, why do materials still have to be referenced into the projects? Revit families are embedded in the project, but when it comes to materials, we are always missing textures since they are only referenced into Revit and must be pathed to the same image in order for Revit to reference it from another computer. Wouldn't it be great if material textures could be shared flawlessly and stay embedded throughout the life and workflows of the Revit project? Problems you run into with the current method include:


1. In workshared models, materials can be created on one machine, but if the project is opened on another machine that doesn't have that image mapped, it shows up as a missing texture. 


2. Receiving models for rendering purposes, the custom textures are often missing, meaning you have to manually remap them if you are able to get the texture images from a Finish spec sheet or otherwise. 


3. Other Autodesk Products can't find the textures. Since Navisworks uses the same Autodesk Material Library, you get errors that it "Can't resolve external references" upon opening a project. (This includes pushing an NWD to BIM 360 Glue and opening a merged model in Navisworks.)


4. Working off the network. Since we can use Collaboration for Revit and Navisworks through BIM 360 Glue, you don't have to VPN to work from home or another location. This is a great workflow and keeps things running much faster, however, if the textures aren't embedded into the project, how do you reference the textures hosted on the shared server without first copying them to your local machine? 


Even if there are a couple work-arounds, I would much rather spend my time modeling and rendering than remapping textures, copying jpeg's locally, or having to request the texture files upon receiving Revit models for rendering, animation, or VR purposes. 

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This Feature, both in Navisworks and Cloud solutions like, BIM360, viewer etc will be a game changer in adopting Autodesk BIM ways working in big way, especially for large scale organisations.


I came to suggest this same feature,and am delighted that it's already been suggested.  Please make this happen!  Texture & material management right now is a nightmare, and this would help it a lot!


Agreed, BIM 360 design (C4R) user need material to be able to share usage on the cloud.


Yes! It is absurd that a Revit file that stores so much does not contain complete materials.



We are sending a Revit model to a client with a lot of custom materials. We need them to be able to re-path the 100+ materials to the revit model. Why can't revit, when it doesn't find the original path - simply look in its default material folder. Or give us some simple solution.  

Tags (4)

Has anyone had any return from Autodesk on this subject? This definitely needs to be solved 


I've done testing this week with material (jpeg) being hosted on next gen BIM 360 folder in Docs and synced to local machine using Autodesk Desktop Connector It almost worked as the linked path is showing under material rendering tab using File/Options/Render provided the BIM 360 Docs folder. But why isn't the material image not showing in Material library or is able to render unless user goes to each individual material and refreshes the path? Autodesk is so close to having this solved but yet so far away.

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This feature would be very helpful with VR workflows and collaboration in VR. Very frustrating to get a model only to view it in VR and not have a correct material.


This feature would fix so many issues with workshared models on and off the cloud. The idea is that image files would be baked into the model similarly to families. Broken links to image files could be treated like InDesign if needed - the link may break, but the most recently applied image file is still cached in the model.


Supporting this idea.


Yes please! it's been such a pain at the moment with models on BIM 360, where users from different companies are working on the same model, and we can't share a location for material images on our local drives. Thought sharing a folder in BIM 360 via desktop connector was the answer, but nope, not working!


It would appear that Autodesk has not given enough thought to this process. I am having the same issues regularly with shared models.

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I wish there is way to path image directly to BIM 360 folder with material manager. Only way to link custom material in BIM 360 folder to BIM 360 project is through Autodesk Desktop connector. However, Autodesk desktop connector is reference to user's system profile therefore, the file path will always include user's profile which will be different per each users. I really wish Autodesk can patch this as soon as possible although the first post was already 2 years ago....


Huge issue for us. Please fix!


We absolutely agree. Autodesk should sort this out.

Not applicable

Yes, just yes Autodesk needs to have the materials baked in to the file, there is no need to link them with current capacities and bandwidth, it is such an outdated system. 



Please fix this!

Not applicable

The fact that this isn't yet possible is a very poor reflection on Autodesks priorities. This is basic stuff that should be available and would solve so many issues on the users end.


This topic is a real pain when working in BIM projects when files are shared with clients and partners !

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