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Electrical Wiring

Electrical Wiring

Electrical Wiring in Revit MEP is very basic, not user friendly and to be honest looks terrible.

Can we not get basic wiring added?

For instance, add the donuts when linking circuits and having the arc jumps when 'jumping' over other circuits.

I hardly use wiring in revit due to these constraints and use detail lines/regions.

I always used this when drafting in CAD and I think Revit should have a similiar function in built.


Wires already has the option to make wires under them to appear trimmed by using the option found in Manage > MEP Settings > Wiring > Gap of wiring crossing.


I will also recommend that wires be able to draw fillets of what ever radius I assign or straight corners instead of just chamfered corners when using wire lines. 


Adding fillet type to wiring.

So would have option of choosing arc, chamfer, or fillet.






Please refer to my original post, to see what is produced in CAD, compared to what we can currently do in Revit.

Revit looks terrible when wiring and adding in larger gaps is not good enough a level of documentation that most people will accept here in Australia as it becomes very confusing, very quickly.

Not applicable

Agreed, wiring options look like they did in first releases of Revit, the option to have Arc/jumps would be great, i'd also like to have it similar to details lines with the options for different ways to draw as below: 


wire type.PNG

Community Visitor

Electrical wiring presentation is something my firm has battled with for many years, almost a decade in fact. It's time for a change and I hope that by posting this message we can get the support we need to make this a priority for next year's release of Revit. What we struggle with the most is the lack of consistency of the wire connection between the family elements. We find that the wires go through the nested symbols (we use detail items) and this leads to hours of manual effort for our users to make the drawings legible and presentable for the contactors on site. Here are our users functionality requests we would like to see implemented into the circuiting wires in Revit:

  1. Define a end gap default in the electrical wiring settings to ensure that the wires do not cross over the symbols. Similar to the cross over gap distance, but for the end points. With this set globally as a default in our project template we can ensure graphical output consistency.

  2. Additional wiring functionality for lighting fixture circuiting to effectively convey switching operation. We also want the wires to make contact with the symbol extents and not the geometry extents. This is because we have some lighting fixture familes where the symbol does not represent the exact size of the geometry i.e. wall mounted fixtures and spot lights etc.

Please see below examples of the graphical output I regularly see in my firm.


Lighting circuitingLighting circuitingPower circuitingPower circuiting

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