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Edit in-place Revit links

Edit in-place Revit links

As we are doing lots of model referencing and linking, it would be more efficient if Revit has the capability to "edit model links in-place". This means that we do not need to open the linked files separately to do the adjustments needed and the linked files can be edited directly to the currently opened working file.

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Yes, totally agree.


Links are commonplace in our projects and having to unload them before editing is a big waste of time. And you instantly lose the reference to the other links as an unpleasant bonus.

I can not explain this to my boss, he is from the Autocad age.




It is frustrating to have to unload and reload linked Revit files to work on them in the same instance of Reveit. So the work around is to open two instances of Revit and have each file opened in one. Save/Sync then reload in the main. Unload/reload doesn't that* much longer, but it seems kind of silly. Shouldn't Revit treat each open file like it's own instance of Revit? Small thing, but if you are working in lots of linked models, it makes a big difference.

Tags (6)
Not applicable

I definitely agree,vote

Not applicable

It's necessary. VOTED

Not applicable

I also agree with this point "a lock from the model author preventing other stakeholders to edit the model"


i just like to up this request Smiley Very Happy I would also like to highlight that edit-in-place links was available in AECosim software (Bentley) same feature that we need for a BIM software like Revit.


it would be brilliant if you could edit a linked revit model.


For example, one creates an object for the formwork plans. Link this model in a new project to then create the reinforcement plans.


At the moment, it is not possible to edit a linked project. It would be great if this would be possible in the future.




If this idea already exists, please let me know.

Tags (3)

I could see something like Autocad's "Refedit" being useful. BIM 360 Collaborate Pro permissions would need to allow that.


I think that simply allowing the opening of a linked model in the same Revit instance as the host model is what's being asked here?  Currently, you either have to close the host model to open the link, or open another instance of Revit and open the link there.

Agreed, something like ACAD's REFEDIT would be slick!


Not being able to edit a linked model is a crucial feature that allows us to share our model on BIM360 with people outside our company. If there was any possibility that someone outside the company could even accidentally edit our file, I am certain management would decide BIM360 is not secure enough, and we'd go back to downloading and uploading our revit files twice a week like back in the stone ages.


Tread with caution.

How would it handle links that are represented in multiple locations or that have options/sheets/etc?



why are you asking like this hasn't already been well managed in AutoCAD via Xrefs for ages?


I agree with @k.nemcek , like AutoCAD with refedit feature. Having this in Revit software to just click the Revit Link from project browser would go straight open it, save and close - then the parent file will be updated.


This saves time rather than conventional way of 'open/unload' the revit link (because you cannot open it on the same session), then modify link and then close. Workaround, you need to open another session and open that particular revit link, edit and close. Then you go back to the parent file and reload that revit link. Workflow like this is too tedious and consuming time.


Hope Autodesk API Revit software developers considering improving to save time editing Revit links, and please consider this urgent.




that was a time saver in Autocad. Should be enable with Revit too!

Hi, @Yien_Chao ,


There are several similar Revit Ideas that I will combine with yours to boost the votes.


Thank you for your Idea submission!



We need this option. I propose to make the option of :

- "clicking" one button that Unloads a link and Reopens it at the same time.

- Then has an option of Linking it back to the original project with one click (Similar to "Load to Project" with families).




This would be an awesome feature, I wish they had it by now come 2023, but from the point of view of the software developers, it sounds like it would be a callosal nightmare. That's likely why they don't have this feature

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