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Dropdown Lists for Parameters (Comboboxes)

Dropdown Lists for Parameters (Comboboxes)

I know there is a workaround for combo boxes within parameters of objects. But in my opinion this is not a good solution (see attached screenshot). The more "values" you have created in the same family type the longer the list will be! We need the possibilty to define parameters and their values within combo boxes. So the the user can choose between some given values.


This is especially important for data exchange and mapping of attributes. When you have 10 users creating a model you will get at least 5 different names for the same attribute!

So vote for ComboBox-Parameter to solve this issue.







@jkidder As the one developing the family, I know which nested family is the correct one for a parameter.  By filtering out all the incorrect family names, I can provide the user with only valid choices.  Also, the users I support do not care about the internal workings of the family and many of them wouldn't even know what a generic annotation family is.


Let's assume that each nested generic annotation family has five types.  That means there are fifteen types listed in each parameter and in my scenario, only five of them would be valid options.  The end user would certainly find it easier and faster to select the desired type from five valid choices rather than from 15 types, 2/3 of which are invalid.  Simplifying the interface for the end user is always a particular focus of mine when developing families which I think this option would accomplish.


@SLloydBowen I forgot which post this is, so the discussion on families is irrelevant to this idea (though I will note that I design families that are intended to get families in the project, so I can't set all choices).


This idea is in regards to have drop down selectors for choices that don't involve families.  Once you get above 2 choices (which can be represented by a yes/no parameter), there isn't an intuitive and clear way to provide the user with more choices that are exclusive (e.g. "Left", "Center" or "Right")  Being able to define an array of choices and then use those choices in a formula or tie the visibility of an element to a specific choice.


This is in my opinion a big improvement in Revit. It could be good to use the lookuptable feature to enable to enumerate a list and its linked values.
Actually workaround I am using is to have a lookuptable list with sequencial ID (1,2,3...) and their values. Than I attach a link to a PDF to open to check the codes and select the correct one. Could be good to have a combobox driven by lookuptable.



some suggestion on drop-down list implementation:

  • driven by Lookup table: could be good to use a lookup table to drive the choice, so you can link a field of lookup table to select the property (maybe a text could be more comprehensive than a single number) and than this value lead all the other value linked to that lookup table. Or can be done directly to the value interested.
  • usable in Share parameter: you could be able to set shared parameter with drop down list (maybe linked to a lookup table) so you can recall that parameter to your family without type-error

I think the best way to implement lists in parameters would be to just have a an operator called list() that you put into the formula box.

Within the () you can then just put in all the values you want to be in the list separated by commas.

This would allow you to make lists out of any parameter types which could then use those values in other formulas.


I like that @Mike.FORM, sweet, simple, direct. Autodesk?


I have been wanting this feature for a decade. It's not going to come. I don't believe it is a priority for Autodesk. Same deal with interrogating text strings in parameters.


Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


To follow the progress of features in development, please see the Revit Public Roadmap and join the Revit Preview Release to participate in feature testing. (Note that Accepted Ideas may not be immediately available.)


The Factory



I for one, am super excited to see this moved onto the roadmap!


I have been waiting for this for so long. Currently I use several different workarounds with helper parameters to limit values to specific amounts.


In addition to lists, it would also be great to have a range parameter.

EX. range(<lower value>, <upper value>, <optional step amount>)


Now that this idea has been added to the roadmap can we get clarification on  the statement "In partnership with Autodesk Parameters Service...", does this mean this is going to be available in the parameters service only? Or will it be available for all user created parameters.




It probably means it's part of the paid version of Revit. Oh wait... 

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