Some default Revit parameters are useless and morether harmful for a well done BIM project.
Here is an example with the foundation family template :
Revit don't allow to create our own strip-like footing (wich is already scandalous). So, if i want to create my own strip-like footing (because my foundation is composed of two distinct layers), i have to build it with the template of "Foundation".
But there is already default parameters in this template (width, length, thickness). This obviously mess with my shared parameters, but morether, we can't change them from "type" to "occurence" ! Which mean, i have to create one type of foundation per wall of different length i have in my project, only to have "strip-like footing" in a "Foundation" category !
I've seen a lot of absurd things in Revit, but this is the first time I've seen such a big BIM consistency error.
Hoping this will be fixed soon.