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Create Scope Box from Crop View

Create Scope Box from Crop View

It would be great if it was possible to create scope boxes directly from a user defined crop region, just the same way when that you can create a view template after setting a bunch of view settings to a view.  Is this possible to add or am I just missing it?


I'm confused by your request.

Crop View is a 2D thing, while Scope Boxes are 3D.

Or when you say Crop View do you mean Section Box?


Good call @dplumb_BWBR, I guess I was thinking this would take the x and y extents of the crop view and the z extents of the view depth or something, but that's another thought if one wants to be more specific about the z extents: a user could create a scope box from the user defined extents of the section box.  Either/both are helpful solutions.


Just came across the same. I'd like to create a scope box full z extents with my crop 2d extents.

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