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Why on earth is this not an option? This needs to be an easily modified option for BIM360 cache files. I have far too much wasted space on my primary drive but all kinds of room on a secondary drive that could be used for this data. Why does Autodesk not allow for simple directory changing?
@mboden206 I assume this will be in Revit 2022 - if not FCS, then at least a point release. That said, if they follow past behavior, we probably won't see it in previous versions, which means that it'll be 4-5 years before it has a significant impact. š
exactly, 4-5 years before significant impact is realized. I still have projects that are still working in 2019 and who knows when I'll be working on projects with 2022 Revit
given that many or most of us now work on high end laptops with SSD drives as primary the need for this option is critical. Even a workstation or gaming level laptop like my MSI GS63VR Stealth Pro has only a 512Gb SSD primary that fills up fast when you load up the Design Suite for 2019-2021. I stratified the installs to only include the products from each suite I needed and kept ones like Civil 3D to only one install just to save space and still ran out.
if you have 3-4 projects going, which is our usual workload, there is anywhere from 5-20+Gb of cache files for each project and more for larger ones. so it is easy for over 25-30% of your primary drive to be taken up with cache files. We also use the new BIM 360 platform which has it's own 30Gb cache of project files.
My installs for Autodesk products and supporting products like Dynamo add up to around 25-30Gb; plus windows, office, FARO, etc all take large chunks so I end up with a drive where I constantly fight to keep the low space warning at bay.
On the other hand I have a secondary notebook drive that's 1Tb sitting there with 400Gb+ free. could be easy to just move all those caches files for BIM 360 and the Revit collab cache over to it so my system could breathe easy.
Please put a priority on this feature and try to get it as a hotfix to current products; at least the 2020 version if not 2019.
@jperkins1MXXNEI'd suggest installing your applications on the secondary drive so that you can keep the faster drive for the stuff that needs it most (like the cache).
This item has made it to our Revit Public Roadmap. As far as timing, we are unable to give any specifics. The best way to track progress of features in development beside the roadmap would be in the Preview Release (beta). If you are not a part of that, I can give you more information. Hope that helps!