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Browser Organization for Assemblies - Idea #1

Browser Organization for Assemblies - Idea #1

 Currently you can organize you views, sheets and schedules; there is no way to group or reorder your assemblies AND there is no way to group or sort the views and sheets under each assembly; assembly sheets are always at the bottom of the list.

The issue we have is once we have created a large number of assemblies the list becomes very long; see attached snips. You then find yourself endless scrolling and expanding/collapsing tabs. I would like to see a browser organization for Assemblies with similar filtering ,sorting and grouping options.


We don't use assembly sheets either, see why in; Browser Organization for Assemblies - Idea #2


We want this!
It´s a huge hassle to navigate through manufacturingdrawings. Sometimes there are about 500 drawings to scroll down..


i need this tool too. Somebody have an idea how organize the assemblies?


Amen!! we need this badly!


I couldn't agree more!


Yes, required! It's now 2024, this software costs an arm and a leg as a sub and this basic functionality is not there?? Patch this in, pronto! In older versions of Revit too!

Some packages such as BIMrx and eVolve have an option to display the assembly sheets in the Sheets group in the project browser, so it can be done. It should not be a mystery for the common user.


Requiring a 3rd party addon for a basic functionality in a subbed product should be completely redundant. It's not about not having any way to do it at all, but not having this baked into an overpriced product by default to begin with. Loading in addons for every missing basic feature causes ridiculous bloat and increases instability. That should not be a mystery to AD.

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