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Floor Automatic Sketch

Floor Automatic Sketch

Having an Automatic Sketch tool for Floors just like the one for Ceilings would be really handy when creating Finish Floors.


If this is ever implemented please also add an option for the tool to respect room separation lines.  If end users were aware of this feature adjustments could be made so that the room separation line also denotes a transition in floor finish.


Automatic sketch tool in ceilings can be dangerous. Especially when wall thicknesses varies along one linear direction. For example, a 4 inch wall changes to become 12" inch wall along one edge of a room. Now in an event where these wall thickness are changed, any adjustment that happens to the wall layout may prompt you to delete ceiling. If someone is not paying attention then the ceiling along with all the hosted elements are deleted. The reason being, the change in wall layout/alignment affects the boundary sketches of the automatic ceiling prompting for removal of little sketch segments the tool creates during automatic ceiling command.


To prevent this from happening, these tools must not remember the edges formed around the walls because of different thicknesses. Currently, it remembers them and change in thicknesses may prompt for edge removal and thus the ceiling and any other ceiling hosted elements.


See attached Image.AutoCeiling.PNG

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If you don't want to wait for Autodesk and want to start creating your floor finish based on the Room, take a look at this video


To see how you can use Dynamo to create your floor finish based on the room boundaries.




Totally agree! I was just going to write the same idea, including what @AnthonyViscusi says Smiley Happy



I would like architectural floors for finished to be automatically sketched by walls (finishing face or core face, by choice) and by rooms boundas that delimit it. But interior partition wall should not split floors. Now that we are here, please make the walls of the partition independent function in wall properties.


Sometimes we have changes of heights or finish materials in floors that are not delimited by wall but by rooms... So, room boundaries are necesary too.










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An Automatic Floor Feature similar to Automatic Ceiling would save a lot of time.


Sorry about these been very plain and simple descriptions but not much else to say.


Create automatic floors using wall boundaries, in the same way as automatic lining


There is a similar tool to Beam System.

For structural slab it is important to connect the floor analytical model to their supports (slab to beam, or slab to wall), as beam system tool.


Floors by room boundary (and room seperator). Floor type to match "floor finish" parameter. But this should include the door void as well and include that to the floor on "from room" side of the door. Floor boundary could live update with room. 


Tags (4)

This would be tricky, as floor finish of a room is a text parameter.

I have seen a dynamo script to create ceilings by using rooms (not yet checked that script myself)

Maybe that script can be used to created finish floors aswell by using rooms.

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i´m well impressed that this topic exists since many years, other extensions and add-ins have been developed but autodesk haven´t moved yet..
the code is already implemented for the ceilings so i guess it shouldn´t be so difficult to code it for the floor, too.

but i´m not a programmer though.

fingers crossed it will be implemented in Revit 2020!

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@Rabi.Adhikari Agreed but same goes for doing things manually and then locking the floor perimeter to the wall which I/others do half of the time... I'm a designer so as the architecture changes I either have to deal with finding out that walls have moved and changing the floors at the last minute OR locking my perimeter to the wall and hope everyone is paying enough attention to not delete it. Having an option to auto fill and not associate would be best, but it's 2019 and still nothing, so I would take it at any rate!



ya , true totally agree. Waiting eagerly to see this feature..

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There is a plugin that is developed in germany which creates floors from rooms, but its the room wont be updated automatically when moving a wall.

I wonder why the Revit tool of creating an automatic cieling doesn't apply to floors.


It would be great to be able to click in a room, like when placing ceilings, to create a floor.


This post is where I saw the idea and I do not want to try to take ownership of the idea, but Its a great idea that should be listed on the Idea board:


After a quick search, I did not see one directly so I am creating it here. 


If this is on the Idea board already under a different search term or terms, please disregard it.


I'm not voting or this because real floors rarely stop at room boundaries. Exterior, elevator, and stairwell walls, yes; rooms, no. I think that in many cases this would result in a picture puzzle of different floor types, thicknesses, and materials -- and you'd have to realign a couple of them every time a partition moved. Bummer.


Bill, this idea is more for interior design applications and as I agree with your comment about having to update floors if partitions moved, we rarely create theses room floors until late in the documentation phase. When we would need to update these if a tool was available it’s a simple delete and reclick to “update” a floor if a partition were to be revised.  Currently my Interiors folks manually sketch these room boundaries and edit transitions at doors so this idea would be very beneficial to them. 


Being able to create automatic architectural floors based on a room and it's boundary walls would be really useful for large projects, particularly when funky shapes come in to play.


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