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Auto bind images to CAD when export layout from Revit

Auto bind images to CAD when export layout from Revit

Hi team,


Pls could you add the function creating OLE pictures when export from Revit to CAD for the next Revit version.

Because when we export layout from model to CAD. It shall be auto create images as xref to these CAD files.

So now we want how to auto bind these images to AutoCAD, like OLE type. We met a lot of inconvenience and unprofesional (privacy) when we want to send CAD files to clients.


Inconvenience: before we used image as OLE in CAD so when we issue, we don't need to attach images when we sending. So now when we export CAD from Revit, my team sometimes forgot attaching images when issue. That is a habit everyone doing like that longtime.


Unprofessional: In images from export you see the name of person who did, everyone don't like that. You see in image attachment in this topic for demo.



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Revit is NOT capable of exporting dwg's with jpeg bound to the file, and It export it as an Xref file.

We would like that Revit add this ability to its exports.

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While you can embed BMP files into DWG files, other image formats are limited to references.  It's generally considered "bad form" as it is an OLE object (spelled "B-A-D") and greatly increases file size.

Not applicable


You mean having OLE object is not good?

But in this case I should attached the title block images to the folders that I deliver to the client when I am issuing DWG exports and this in is not a good way to share the files.


OLE is quirky at best.  Including an image file as a reference is far less troublesome.


If this is a client logo, go with  DWG block - even if you have to make it yourself.  If it absolutely *must* be an image (we've had to do this a few times) you still have a few options.  As noted it can be included in the same DWG folder so it's automatically found.  It can also have a relative path so you can send structured folders and the recipient will still find it without any work (ETransmit on your part will help with that).

Not applicable


what I am asking is exactly the option that we can have the images as an OLE file in the exported DWG files from Revit sheets.


Hi Autodesk,

It will be great if the image files are embedded into the dwg/dxf, while export from Revit.

After I started to work in Revit, CAD format submission is mandatory for all the projects.

We have to submit hundreds of drawings for each project. And the client/consultant does not allow to submit the CAD and Image files separately.

It's one of the major tasks and consuming a lot of man-hours. Which is against to BIM GOAL.

I hope Autodesk will consider this.

Revit to Dwg.PNG


This idea has been requested numerous times. It seems it is not possible because the way Revit is designed.

Maybe we could export the title block as an Autocad table and assign each jpeg logo to individual cells. Or export the title block as a Autocad block / dynamic block with pictures included in it. The advantage of an Autocad block would be the full scalability. We could scale the title block at any size without losing visual quality of jpegs inside.


Dear Ipselute,

Thanks for your comment.

While I read through your comment, I noticed something interesting...,

So I need to know more about the following.

"Maybe we could export the title block as an Autocad table"

Do you mean export from Revit to AutoCAD table? If yes, please brief me, let me try it out.

"Or export the title block as a Autocad block / dynamic block"

Do you mean export from Revit to Autocad block / dynamic block? If yes, please brief me, let me try it out.


Apart from the above, I don't have much knowledge of programming. But I do believe, it can be done. If Revit cannot do, it can be done by using AutoCAD in the background. Because It can be done in AutoCAD. That's why I believe that Autodesk can do something to get it to work. 


Hello Dear Software Developers,

we remember about this and still waiting 🙂

Not applicable

any update on this??


Al exportar un plano desde Revit a AutoCAD, si éste contiene alguna imagen, Revit la exporta al DWG dejándola como una referencia externa, de ninguna manera puede exportarse con las imágenes insertadas y obliga a un proceso de postproducción en el plano formato DWG para dejarlo limpio de referencias externas.


Hi Autodesk Staffs. 
Is there update on this issue?
Come on. Revit and AutoCAD are both your softwares.
You should fix basic things like this smoothly.

Its 2023 and this post is 5years ago. Still no update?


Would love an update on this, some clients have very specific deliverables including single DWG files with no xrefs. It's a royal pain having to manually replace the images in the titleblocks with OLE, surely there's a more automated way?


Even when clients don't specifically require it, we'd still prefer to not have our file paths displayed where the image was. (And it seems a little ridiculous/unprofessional to send all the logo image files with our drawing submissions just to get the xref to display properly on the other end.) 

Community Visitor

August 14, 2024, Six years since the initial post. No update No response.


This seems like a pretty straight forward one that would save users lots of time and headaches. Our client requires submittals of CAD files and their standard requires bound images. This feature would remove a stupid and repetitive task from thousands of users.


DiRoots Prosheets addin has this function, it's a paid feature so you'll have to purchase a license but still potentially more cost effective in the long run than manually correcting.


Either way, it's obviously not an impossible task if addins have found a way to do it, so would also love to see Autodesk just build it into the program by default. 

Community Visitor

DiRoots ProSheets can do it ONLY if you have AutoCAD (it doesn't work with AutoCAD LT). So, by DiRoots, it's more about AutoCAD automation than Revit

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