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Appropriately insert horizontal cable tray bends for vertical tray fittings when required.

Appropriately insert horizontal cable tray bends for vertical tray fittings when required.

While rare, I have encountered situations where I have seen vertical ladder cable tray "jog" left or right to avoid obstacles, while heavy gauge cables in the tray are zip-tied/clamped to the rungs. I'm trying to replicate this in Revit. I have modeled the two parallel segments and a 45 degree offset, but when I try to place the fittings using the trim command, Revit chooses to insert a Vertical Outside or Inside Bend, instead of a  Horizontal Bend. It would be nice if Revit detected the orientation of my trays and chose the correct fitting. I think this was an edge case that may have been unaccounted for. I'm trying to replicate this via API call as well (using Create.NewElbowFitting), but I'm getting the same result there.



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