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Allow Input option at end of formulas

Allow Input option at end of formulas

Instead of having to add thousands of unique parameters in a family just to get different results, there should be an option to manually input the desired value if none of the conditions are true.  


As an example, I want a waterfall countertop family where there are options for two legs or one leg and the option to have everything be the same thickness, just the legs to have the same thickness or make everything different thickness.  So a formula would have the IF statement at first and if the overall thickness option is checked then use the universal thickness.  If you only want the legs to be the same thickness then it will pull that parameter for leg thickness.  If none of those options are checked then that is when the value field should be open to unique values.  This is just a simple example but having this kind of feature would open so much for parametric Revit families. 


Hopefully this all made sense. 


While I agree with you're overall premise, it seems like your example would be a lot simpler to just have a thickness input for each leg. If the user wants it the same, then type in the same value. I also don't understand how this is leading to thousands of "unique" parameters?


this is already possible through several ways could use formulas that changes the thickness and value depending if they are checked or not as well as makes it possible to put in your own value if none are checked. (same with number of legs)

but it would require more parameters then just putting the thickness input as a type parameters and create diffrent types. which is what i would do.

number of legs can already be controlled by 2 ways either by hiding legs with check boxes or using a nested family with one leg or two legs . and a type parameter.


This is already possible by adding only one additional parameter that is fillable by the user. 

You would have an equation such as this:

=if(This > 5, That, User Input), and then have User Input be another parameter that is fillable.

This formula would then use the user input depending on whether the IF statement is true or not.

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