Allow to assign a system to imported items in the project, for example for ducting or pipes.
In this example I'm trying to assign the "EXTRACT AIR" system to the duct - but I don't get that option.
Instead, I will have to recreate that duct to get the option of assigning a system. I find this very off handed.
This is just a small duct as an example, but I would copy multiple ducting and piping layouts from a project and they would come in with black outline and no system type assigned, just "undefined".
Very unproductive, defeats the purpose of copying from one project to another. Layouts that were otherwise perfect.
Hugely time consuming, defeats the purpose of being a streamlined product.
Poorly, poorly tested as a practical user interface.
Oh, it's so frustrating, when some things could be as simple as copy paste but end up having to repeat many things from scratch for every new project.
Utter lack of streamline.
I know there's maybe different reasons, like the engineer having to assign a system to each individual project and each system would need to be confirmed and bla bla bla. All useless reasons.
This can have a very practical approach.
Either copy all the System Type of items copied (ideal solution) -
Or allow to assign the systems when selecting the items, such as duct.
Don't make the user have to redraw all the layout again - absolute waste of time