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Align Views on Separate Sheets

Align Views on Separate Sheets

It would be great if there was just a tool that would allow you to align views to a common grid line or point in the model across several sheets. I'm sure everyone has at some point drawn some detail lines and copy pasted them over ten plan views and manually lined each one up. And I've tried Dynamo, but it gets complicated when you have to do a bunch of detail views, and I've tried Macros, but those have to be updated with Revit 2020, is there a plan to add a tool like this? 

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Users need to be able to place plan views on sheets in the same location from sheet to sheet. A first, second, third floor plan should be lined up on top of each other from sheet to sheet, it should not just be close enough.

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Have you used the guide grid feature in Revit? If/when I need to do this I isolate and area around a common column line intersection and adjust my guide grid to that area. Then on each subsequent sheet I turn the same guide grid on and I'm able to line up may plans to the same location.

tabodor, Guide Grids are not really a good tool. When you place a plan view on a new sheet, it should 'snap' to where a previous one was placed, and users simply click to place it in the same location.
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 I have the same problem, what I do is, I draw a line in sheet title block and eye ball the plan views and then delete the line.

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We have a product now that we sell to do this. It is called Kobi Tools.
Works great.
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Thanks, TGrissom-CA, I was more asking for a tool that would automate the process. If you have 40 plans that you need to turn the guide on, align the grid manually, align the title, turn off the grid for each one, it's incredibly time consuming. Then if you want to change the layout, you have to do it all again. You can make a script in Dynamo or write a macro that works well enough, but those also come with their own issues. I was just hoping Revit could make a tool to help automate the process.


Although it isn't exactly what you're after, i know there are add-ins for aligning views without me having used them.

And a trick i have used before which is similar to your detail line is to instead make a reference plane somewhere.

If you then click on the viewport it's possible to grab the line with move and snap it to any line in the sheet.


Hopefully a usable temporary solution.


As said, you can create a macro to align views, but there's several issues with that:
- First, you can move the viewports programmatically, however you cannot move the viewport titles as this is not accessible via the API, so no matter what you would need to open your sheets one by one to align the titles. So even when it works, it's only a half solution.
- Second, it doesn't always work right. For example, to my knowledge the only way of aligning views is based on the crop outlines of the said views. Which means if you are using scope boxes instead of crop regions, then you cannot use your macro.

I am not going to list all the conditions that need to be met to make those macros work right, it's just to show that it will never be as good as if Autodesk were to create their own command for that, free of the API limitations.

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Thanks for the replies @a-carpentier and  @jimmi.opperud , there are plenty of ways to skin this cat, I was just looking to see if Autodesk could implement the feature in a future update. Something that could align grids on separate sheets, maybe even have parameters for title layouts. I just think it would make everyone's lives easier.


Similar idea here.

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This would be a great twheelerRLA. Nothing worse than having a set of plans were the levels do not line up on the sheet. But this takes time. Automating it through an option in Revit would save plenty of time.


This addin does this exactly as you're looking for. 2020 version costs 5 bucks, but the versions before are free


@acrossonbouwersFrom what I can tell the addin you linked to has a couple flaws:

- First, flaw I see is that it's aligning views based on the viewport outlines, which is modified by annotations within the views. The viewport outline is a highly volatile metric to use for that, as just editing a note inside your view could render the alignment tool linked in your post unusable.


- The second flaw is that it doesn't align the viewport labels, so you would still need to go back and align each labels one by one. It's not much of an improvement compared to just aligning views directly.
This second flaw is more tricky to solve, as there is a GetLabelOutline method but no SetLabelOutline method, so it is impossible to move the label of a viewport through the use of the API (until Autodesk comes around to add that to the API at least). We can find workarounds by using symbols to replace the labels to make it look right, but no real way to actually have it be right.


It's a very basic function and aligning plans should be easy to do, but Autodesk didn't provide us with either a built-in function for it, or the API calls necessary for us to code it ourselves.





@a-carpentier I admit it's not an ideal solution with the view titles not being aligned, and those need to be aligned separately. We use it to align our detail views and general notes from sheet to sheet, as well as floor plans. The way it finds the viewport outlines sometimes is an issue when using, but if you manage to get it to align properly once, it's not an always-running script and having a note outside of your previous viewport outline won't shift the plan/note/view on the sheet. It's more of a set-and-forget approach. I would GLADLY welcome a tool from Autodesk for this process.


Ideate Apps has a great tool for aligning views across sheets:

It would be great to add automation to aligning View Titles across sheets.


I would like to have Revit default your views on a sheet so that they are aligned in the same location on each sheet.  For example, a 10-story building has 10-floor plan views.  Place each view on a sheet and if you use an "old" light table, you can stack the sheets and see all the plans aligned.

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our Revit Public Roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


The Factory

Status changed to: Accepted

Congrats! We think this is a great idea, so we've decided to add it to our Revit Public Roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion!


The Factory

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