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2019's Tabs has changed the 'Ctrl + Tab' and 'Ctrl + Shift + Tab' shortcuts!

2019's Tabs has changed the 'Ctrl + Tab' and 'Ctrl + Shift + Tab' shortcuts!

While I like the new tabs feature as it is useful to see at a glance the currently open tabs, it seems to have come at the expense of a very simple but time saving feature. Which is the ability to use 'Ctrl + Tab' & 'Ctrl + Shift + Tab' to go back and forth between the last opened view. By this I mean the basic functionality of this feature has changed with the new visible tabs implementation. Instead of tabbing between, say, my floor plan I just had open and a section I opened from the floor plan, it Tabs in a Linear fashion through all the currently views in the Tab. Often, and expect most users do this, I will open a view intending on quickly Tabbing back and forth between these open views to compare them. These shortcuts are now tedious to use because it requires awareness of where your view is amongst the Tabs of open views, meaning we tab multiple times to get back the view we literally just had open. Or it requires us to close all inactive views, to then be able to tab back and forth without cycling through other views.


I understand thereasoning for changing the way this tabbing operates, as it would be confusing if someone were to tab using the 'Tab + Shift' shortcut and see the selected view tabs jump all over the place. 


But for me, and I expect others, this has reduced my productivity and has been a source of constant frustration ever since the implementation of the Revit 2019. I would much rather the ability to quickly Tab back to my previous open view (in order of last viewed) than have all the open views visible as tabs.


The only solution I can see to allow both the exist, is to have the tabs organised based on the order of previously viewed. Meaning every time a view is opened, whether it already be in the open view tabs or not, it is moved to the front of the list.


The original functionality of the 'Shift + Tab' shortcuts needs to be restored asap, as this is a backwards step in productivity of the software.


I second this motion.


Having used Revit since 2012, this function is second nature to me. It would be perfect the way cmf1601 describes it, having the tabs automatically reorganize themselves based upon when they were last viewed. OR, just have the Shift+Tab function switch between the open tabs non-linearly, such that they open in the order you open them, but the command shortcut switches between them based on last viewed. 

Not applicable

Yes having the same issue,  would love to see an option to ctrl+tab back to last open views.



I agree wholeheartedly.   Even an option to turn off Tabs and give us back the CTRL - Tab functionality as it was.




I agree, but have a slightly different proposal regarding how the views are arranged.  I, personally, like the views to be ordered by "last viewed" versus "order opened", but I have coworkers who disagree.  Revit clearly has the capability to do both, based on the change from 2016 (order opened) to 2017 (last viewed) and 2018 (last viewed) to 2019 (order opened).  Why not give users the choice on how they want the views organized in their workspace?  


I am also having issues where I'll get to the "end" of the tabs and Ctrl+Tab won't take me back to the beginning, nor will Ctrl+Shift+Tab take me back one view - I have to click on a tab to switch to any other view.  This has never been a problem with any other version of Revit. 


I agree, really miss the Ctrl+Tab functionality from previous Revit versions.


With the addition of the new tabbed views, we have lost the ability to  "print window" by resizing the view. as has been stated for years, add in the ability to do an actual print window!

Not applicable

I also agree totally. The latest tabbing change in Revit 2019 is not convenient. We plead with Autodesk to either reverse to the older system or give a user the option to choose which tabbing functionality they prefer.

Not applicable

PLEASE Autodesk - change this back to the way it was!


Typical Autodesk, forces you to change your workflow to fit their programming, not cool.

Community Visitor
Community Visitor

Yes please change this back. This causes me to change my workflows entirely and lose productivity. Especially working on multi level projects. 


Please fix this asap! It is killing us!

Not applicable

Ughh, this is the worst

Not applicable

+1 This is killing me

Community Visitor

Yes having the same issue,  would like to see an option to 'ctrl+tab'  and 'ctrl+shift+tab' for back and forth between to last open views. Tab option is good like as an AutoCad but, when you working with multiple views open at that time tab size goes smaller gradually. so it's difficult to see view name in tab bar. at that time 'ctrl+tab'  and 'ctrl+shift+tab' option comes to your help. so please get back this option.


I really miss this feature. Please bring it back! Even a different shortcut or ability to set a shortcut that functioned the same as in 2018 would work for me.


Please bring this function back ASAP.  I will not be using Revit 2019 on any projects until this is fixed. 

Not applicable

Please hurry up and forward this to everyone you know! Sooooo frustrating.

Not applicable

Agreed! This functionality needs to be added back in. It really slows things down when used to the way it was. I don't understand why this can't be an adjustable setting under the Revit shortcuts option menu.


Dear Autodesk, specifically Revit Dept:

Why the hell do you need to change/fix something that is not broken and people are used to.This is unacceptable to force your stupid ideas to intelligent people who work hard everyday and don't have to time to deal with your absurd changes. please change the Alt+Tab function back to at least optional user preference.




Completely agree with everyone here. In addition to the bad ordering, there seems to be another issue. When I hold Ctrl + repeatedly press tab, it will get to the last one, then neither Ctrl+Tab nor Ctrl+Shift+Tab will switch the tabs any further, I have to click somewhere in the screen before I can do it again. While I do love the tabs, I'd take a checkbox to remove them and get back to the old behavior if that is the only solution.

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