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Family Type Parameters in Tag not Showing in Project

Message 1 of 7
291 Views, 6 Replies

Family Type Parameters in Tag not Showing in Project

I am trying to use the family type parameter to drive yes/no parameters in my Lighting Fixture Tag family so that it can use a dropdown menu. The parameters are set up as pictured. All Family Type parameters shouldn't be visible in project as they are shared parameters with visibility set to off except for the Justification parameter which isn't showing in project even though it's an instance family parameter. Does anyone know why this might be happening?

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Message 2 of 7

You can't do what you want to do. Period.  There's not even a convoluted workaround to get there.  How did you get started on this anyways?  I can see you put a lot of thought and work into this Tag family. 

Message 3 of 7

You can do it with model families. I have used family type parameters to drive other parameters in door families where I have multiple door types with corresponding models and other parameters that have values driven by which door type you've chosen from the dropdown. Is the family type parameter just not compatible with tag families? does it have something to do with using generic annotations in a tag family? Is the family type parameter just not compatible with detail families in general? Everything works exactly as expected except for the Family Type <Generic Annotations> parameter not showing up in project.

Message 4 of 7
in reply to: thounsellPQC3G

Tags are type based, not instance based.  You cannot use a tag's instance parameter to change its appearance.

Change Justification to type parameter and create 3 different tag types for Left, Center, and Right.

Message 5 of 7

@thounsellPQC3G wrote:


... except for the Family Type <Generic Annotations> parameter not showing up in project.


Family Type <Generic Annotations> parameter shows up fine in the Project. 







Message 6 of 7

Tags report parameter values of the Element they are tagging in the Project - not the other way around.  In the example I posted above, your "Center", "Left" and "Right" Generic Annotations Families are nested into the Table Lamp - Arm Extension Family and associated to a Family Type Shared Parameter named FamilyTypeGenericAnno.  This is the exact same Shared Parameter referenced by the Tag Family.  Get it?  



...just out of curiosity, what were you trying to do here? Knowing that might bring something to mind, like maybe, for instance, a Dynamo Routine.  





Message 7 of 7

I am trying to make the text justification of the tag controllable via a single dropdown instance parameter. I have just discovered that if I add a yes/no instance parameter, then it does not show up in the project either. So, are instance parameters just not possible with tag families?

The intention was to reduce bloat for my coworkers, having two instance parameters rather than 9 family types (or more in the case of some other tags)

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