I know this is six or seven years too late...but I was running into an issue which was related but a bit different.
There is also some misinformation in the posts.
Hatch patterns has already been covered; these are very easy to change through the type settings.
The surface-display is controlled by the object style. This is TERRIBLE programing from Autoesk.
If you want a lighter hatch-pattern on your surfaces, you have to change the projection-pen in the global object styles.
In order to get your heavier outline back, you can override the weights by category in view and/or by filter.
Obviously you can also override by element or line-weight, but no one wants to do that much work.
The section-display is controlled by the lineweights of Pen 1, and are dependent upon the scale of the view.
(In my office, Pen 1 is reserved only for hatches and very fine detail lines.)

EDIT 1 Jan 2025
I have been running into this problem again in Revit; pretty sure Autodesk changed how hatch-weight behave. 😞
Revit 2023
I believe Autodesk has changed how Line-Weights are assigned to hatch patterns in this version. Previously, pen 1 was used for all hatch patterns.
At some point, the hatch-patterns are now assigne via the Projection-Pen in the Object styles.
This is fine if you are using a very siimple 1, 2, 3 pen-designation for fine, medium and thick lines. I am not.
I use 1 for hatches and very fine detail lines, 2 for a reduced projection-line, 3 as a primary projection line, 4 as a reduced cut-line and 5 as a normal cut-line.
My standard settings until this point was basically to assign 5 the cut-lines of all structural elements and 3 to the projection. Doing that gets me a very thick hatch line.
The only way to solve this is to set the projection lines to 1 in the object styles and to override the project-lines in my view templates.
A pain, but it works.
Revit 2024
Information will be added once I check it.