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Get focus on Inventor after using a Button on a Form

Message 1 of 6
279 Views, 5 Replies

Get focus on Inventor after using a Button on a Form

If I have used a Button on a Form, I must first click in Inventor to access it again.
I'm trying to get focus using this code but it doesn't seem to work.


'Set focus back to Inventor application
Dim App As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("Inventor 2022")
If App.Length > 0 Then
End If



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Message 2 of 6

What do you use:




Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 3 of 6

Neither, I mean a Global Form that is open next to Inventor with some buttons on it that address another External Rule.
See picture.

Message 4 of 6


This is the setup from the form, see picture.

Message 5 of 6

I need to see the code of the form and of the button!


Arthur Knoors

Autodesk Affiliations:

Autodesk Software:Inventor Professional 2024 | Vault Professional 2022 | Autocad Mechanical 2022
Programming Skills:Vba | (Add ins Vault / Inventor, Applications) | I-logic
Programming Examples:Drawing List!|Toggle Drawing Sheet!|Workplane Resize!|Drawing View Locker!|Multi Sheet to Mono Sheet!|Drawing Weld Symbols!|Drawing View Label Align!|Open From Balloon!|Model State Lock!
Posts and Ideas:Dimension Component!|Partlist Export!|Derive I-properties!|Vault Prompts Via API!|Vault Handbook/Manual!|Drawing Toggle Sheets!|Vault Defer Update!

! For administrative reasons, please mark a "Solution as solved" when the issue is solved !

Message 6 of 6

That is a collection of separate rules, see zip as attachment.

Form in 'UI' zip.
Most rules are a 'pass through' to the 'main' rule 'Scale Position Views' according:

' Check file type
If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject Then

	Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
	' Run external rule with parameters
	' Fill argument's list
	Dim map As NameValueMap = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateNameValueMap
	Dim SetScale As String = "Scale All Bigger"
	map.Add("SetScale", SetScale)
	auto = iLogicVb.Automation
	auto.RunExternalRuleWithArguments(oDoc, "Scale Position Views", map)

End If

In other words, 'Scale Position Views' is the linchpin in the whole.
I also try to get the focus there at the end.

See 'Scale Position Views' code:

'Dim obj As DrawingView
'	obj = RuleArguments("DrawingView")
'	AddBallonToView(obj)


Dim SetScale As String = RuleArguments("SetScale")
Dim SetSheetFormat As String = RuleArguments("SetSheetFormat")

Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oSheet As Sheet = oDoc.ActiveSheet
Dim oView As DrawingView

Dim lScales As New List(Of Double)
lScales.AddRange({0.2, 0.25, 0.333333333333, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 })

Dim oTG As TransientGeometry = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry

Dim oSheetWidth As Double = oDoc.ActiveSheet.Width
Dim oSheetHeight As Double = oDoc.ActiveSheet.Height

Dim oTitleBlock As TitleBlock = oSheet.TitleBlock

Dim oSideBorderOffset As Double = (0.5)
Dim oTopBottomBorderOffset As Double = (0.5)
Dim oTitleBlockHeight As Double = (6.5)

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Set PartsList position

Dim x As Double = 0
Dim y As Double = 0

	Dim oPartsList As PartsList	
	oPartsList = oSheet.PartsLists.Item(1)	
	'								Dim insertPoint As Point2d = oTG.CreatePoint2d(0, 0)
	'								Dim PartsList As PartsList = oSheet.PartsLists.Add(oSheet.DrawingViews.Item(1), insertPoint)
	'							    Dim ooPartsList As PartsList = oSheet.PartsLists.Add(oSheet.DrawingViews.Item(1), insertPoint, PartsListLevelEnum.kPartsOnly) 
	'								ooPartsList.HeadingPlacement = HeadingPlacementEnum.kHeadingAtBottom
	'								ooPartsList.TableDirection = TableDirectionEnum.kBottomUpDirection
	Dim plHeight = oPartsList.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Y - oPartsList.RangeBox.MinPoint.Y
	Dim plWidth = oPartsList.RangeBox.MaxPoint.X - oPartsList.RangeBox.MinPoint.X								
	'MessageBox.Show("plWidth: " & plWidth)		
	x = oTitleBlock.RangeBox.MaxPoint.X
	y = oTitleBlock.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Y + plHeight
	oPartsList.Position = oTG.CreatePoint2d(x, y)								
	oPartsList.PartsListRows(0).Height = 5
	For Each oRow In oPartsList.PartsListRows
		oRow.Height = .5									
End Try

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Located at the beginning of the rule to keep it as fast as possible
' If the views are already unsuppressed then calulate/position them again
Dim bAllViewsAlreadyUnsuppressed As Boolean = True
If SetScale = "Unsuppress Aditional Views" Then			
	For Each oView In oSheet.DrawingViews
		If oView.Suppressed = True Then
			oView.Suppressed = False
			bAllViewsAlreadyUnsuppressed = False		
		End If
		'xMin = oView.Left
		'xMax = oView.Left + oView.Width
		'yMin = oView.Top - oView.Height 
		'yMax = oView.Top		
		'If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then oView.ShowLabel = True ' View = outside border

	If bAllViewsAlreadyUnsuppressed = True Then Exit Sub

End If

' Undo Wrapper
Dim trans As Transaction = ThisApplication.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(oDoc, "Do your thing")

' Determine the Distances between Views to maintain after scaling
Dim oDistBaseRightView As Double
Dim oDistBaseTopView As Double
Dim oDistBaseLeftView As Double
Dim oDistRightBackView As Double
Dim oDistBaseBottomView As Double
Dim oDistBaseBackView As Double

Dim xMaxBase As Double ' = ActiveSheet.View("BASE VIEW").Center.X
Dim xMinBase As Double
Dim yMaxBase As Double
Dim yMinBase As Double
Dim xMinRight As Double
Dim xMaxRight As Double
Dim yMinTop As Double
Dim xMaxLeft As Double
Dim xMinBack As Double
Dim yMaxBottom As Double

Dim oBaseView As DrawingView ' = oSheet.DrawingViews("BASE VIEW")
Dim oRightView As DrawingView
Dim oTopView As DrawingView
Dim oLeftView As DrawingView
Dim oBackView As DrawingView
Dim oBottomView As DrawingView

Dim oISOFrontView As DrawingView
Dim oISOLeftView As DrawingView
Dim oISOFrontBottomView As DrawingView
Dim oISOLeftBottomView As DrawingView

Dim oISORightView As DrawingView
Dim oISOBackView As DrawingView
Dim oISORightBottomView As DrawingView
Dim oISOBackBottomView As DrawingView

For Each oView In oSheet.DrawingViews
	If oView.Name = "BASE VIEW" Then
		oBaseView = oView
		xMaxBase  = oView.Left + oView.Width
		xMinBase  = oView.Left
		yMaxBase  = oView.Top
		yMinBase  = oView.Top - oView.Height
	End If		
	If oView.Name = "RIGHT VIEW" Then
		oRightView = oView
		xMinRight = oView.Left 
		xMaxRight = oView.Left + oView.Width
	End If
	If oView.Name = "TOP VIEW" Then
		oTopView = oView
		yMinTop = oView.Top - oView.Height
	End If
	If oView.Name = "LEFT VIEW" Then
		oLeftView = oView
		xMaxLeft = oView.Left + oView.Width
	End If	
	If oView.Name = "BACK VIEW" Then
		oBackView = oView
		xMinBack = oView.Left
	End If

	If oView.Name = "BOTTOM VIEW" Then
		oBottomView = oView
		yMaxBottom = oView.Top		
	End If
oDistBaseRightView 	= xMinRight - xMaxBase
oDistBaseTopView 	= yMinTop - yMaxBase
oDistBaseLeftView 	= xMinBase - xMaxLeft
oDistRightBackView  = xMinBack - xMaxRight
oDistBaseBottomView = yMinBase - yMaxBottom
oDistBaseBackView   = xMinBack - xMaxBase 

For Each oView In oSheet.DrawingViews	
		xMin = oView.Left
		xMax = oView.Left + oView.Width
		yMin = oView.Top - oView.Height 
		yMax = oView.Top
		xTarget  = 0
		xCurrent = 0
		yTarget  = 0
		yCurrent = 0
		x = oView.Center.X
		y = oView.Center.Y
		If SetScale = "Scale All Bigger" Then				    
			Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
			Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
				oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val - 1)			
			End Try
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale All Smaller" Then
				Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
				Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
					oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val + 1)			
				End Try
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale ISO Bigger" Then
			If oView.Name Like "*ISO*" Then
				Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
				Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
					oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val - 1)			
				End Try				
			End If
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale ISO Equal" Then			
			If oView.Name Like "*ISO*" Then
				oView.Scale = (oSheet.DrawingViews.Item(1).Scale)
			End If
		End If		
		If SetScale = "Scale ISO Smaller" Then
			If oView.Name Like "*ISO*" Then
				Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
				Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
					oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val + 1)			
				End Try				
			End If
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale ISO Standard Position" Then			
			' See below in Code under 'If oView.Name = "ISO FRONT VIEW" Then'
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale Other Bigger" Then
			If Not oView.Name Like "*ISO*" Then
				Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
				Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
					oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val - 1)			
				End Try				
			End If
		End If
		If SetScale = "Scale Other Smaller" Then
			If Not oView.Name Like "*ISO*" Then
				Dim oBViewScale As Double = (1 / oView.Scale)
				Dim Val As Double = lScales.IndexOf(oBViewScale)											
					oView.Scale = 1 / lScales.Item(Val + 1)			
				End Try				
			End If
		End If
		If SetScale = "Unsuppress Aditional Views" Then			
			' See above in Code
		End If	

		If SetScale = "Suppress Aditional Views" Then			
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or xMax > oSheetWidth or xMin < 0  Or yMax > oSheetHeight Or yMin < 0 Then ' View = outside border
				oView.Suppressed = True
				oView.ShowLabel = True
			End If
		End If	
		' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		If oView.Name = "BASE VIEW" Then
			oBaseView = oView
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d((oView.Width / 2) + xMin , y)				
			oview.ShowLabel = False
		End If	
		If oView.Name = "RIGHT VIEW" Then
			oRightView = oView
			If (xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or xMax > oSheetWidth Or xMin < 0) And oView.ShowLabel = True Then  ' View = outside border
				RightViewIsOutsideBorder = True ' To set BackView when RightView is outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5
				xCurrent = xMin
				oView.ShowLabel = False
				xTarget = oBaseView.Left + oBaseView.Width + oDistBaseRightView
				xCurrent = oView.Left
			End If			
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))		
		End If
		If oView.Name = "TOP VIEW" Then
			oTopView = oView
			If (xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or yMax > oSheetHeight Or yMin < 0) And oView.ShowLabel = True Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				yTarget = oSheetHeight + 5
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False
				yTarget = oBaseView.Top + oDistBaseTopView
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))
		End If
		If oView.Name = "LEFT VIEW" Then
			oLeftView = oView
			If (xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or xMax > oSheetWidth Or xMin < 0) And oView.ShowLabel = True Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Width
				xCurrent = xMin
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = oBaseView.Left - oDistBaseLeftView - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))
		End If
		If oView.Name = "BACK VIEW" Then
			oBackView = oView
			If (xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or xMax > oSheetWidth or xMin < 0) And oView.ShowLabel = True Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5
					If RightViewIsOutsideBorder Then xTarget = oSheetWidth + 7 + oRightView.Width + 3 ' Place at right side from oRightView which is outside border
				xCurrent = xMin
				oView.ShowLabel = False	
				xTarget = oRightView.Left + oRightView.Width + oDistRightBackView
					If RightViewIsOutsideBorder Then xTarget = oBaseView.Left + oBaseView.Width + oDistBaseBackView ' Place at right side from oRightView which is outside border
				xCurrent = xMin
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))
		End If
		If oView.Name = "BOTTOM VIEW" Then
			oBottomView = oView
			If (xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Or yMax > oSheetHeight Or yMin < 0) And oView.ShowLabel = True Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				yTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False
				yTarget = oBaseView.Top - oBaseView.Height - oDistBaseBottomView - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))
		End If			
		If oView.Name = "ISO FRONT VIEW" Then
			oISOFrontView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = oSheetHeight + 5
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False		
				If SetScale = "Scale ISO Standard Position" Then						
					xTarget = oSheetWidth - oSideBorderOffset - 1 - oView.Width
					xCurrent = oView.Left			
					yTarget = oSheetHeight - oTopBottomBorderOffset - 1 - oView.Height
					yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height			
					xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
					xCurrent = oView.Left		
					yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
					yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				End If
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If		
		If oView.Name = "ISO LEFT VIEW" Then
			oISOLeftView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = 0 - 5 - oISOFrontView.Width - 5 - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = oSheetHeight + 5
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height	
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If
		If oView.Name = "ISO FRONT BOTTOM VIEW" Then
			oISOFrontBottomView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height				
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If
		If oView.Name = "ISO LEFT BOTTOM VIEW" Then
			oISOLeftBottomView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = 0 - 5 - oISOFrontBottomView.Width - 5 - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height					
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If
		If oView.Name = "ISO RIGHT VIEW" Then
			oISORightView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = oSheetHeight + 5
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height					
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If	
		If oView.Name = "ISO BACK VIEW" Then
			oISOBackView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5 + oISORightView.Width + 5
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = oSheetHeight + 5
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height					
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))		
		End If	
		If oView.Name = "ISO RIGHT BOTTOM VIEW" Then
			oISORightBottomView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height						
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If	
		If oView.Name = "ISO BACK BOTTOM VIEW" Then
			oISOBackBottomView = oView
			If xMax < 0 Or xMin > oSheetWidth Or yMax < 0 Or yMin > oSheetHeight Then ' View = outside border
				oView.ShowLabel = True
				xTarget = oSheetWidth + 5 + oISORightView.Width + 5
				xCurrent = oView.Left
				yTarget = 0 - 5 - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height
				oView.ShowLabel = False				
				xTarget = xMax - oView.Width
				xCurrent = oView.Left		
				yTarget = yMax - oView.Height
				yCurrent = oView.Top - oView.Height			
			End If
			oView.Center = oTG.CreatePoint2d(oView.Position.X + (xTarget - xCurrent), oView.Position.Y + (yTarget - yCurrent))			
		End If
	End Try


' Undo Wrapper

''Set focus back to Inventor application
'Dim App As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("Inventor 2022")
'If App.Length > 0 Then
'	AppActivate(App(0).Id)
'End If


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