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ETransmit for Infraworks Models

ETransmit for Infraworks Models

It would be great, if we had the same functionality, like AutoCAD has his eTransmit. That means not only make a dublicate from your Model, also have the choice to make a package of all objects you use in your Model, with one click.
Not applicable

I like this idea because it's lot of work to renewal the file pathas of the originally data. Both the autor of the model as well another user like to make some configuration of the data, especially if they work in a team. In my opiion it's important if you share your models via Cloud as well in a local network. 


Best regards,


Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

If I'm understanding correctly, you'd like to create a "package" that contains the InfraWorks 360 model as well any source data (SHP files, DWG files, etc.) that you've attached to via the Data Sources tab.  Is that correct?


Can you describe some specific examples where this would be a benefit to you?

Status changed to: Future Consideration
Status changed to: Implemented

It sounds like current LMV and BIM360 ways of model sharing seem to indirectly handle the original request.

Not applicable

in terms of "longterm", "offline", "personal" and "deliverable" Infraworks needs a real eTransmit-like backup-function.

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