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Export Clash Report BIM 360 Model Coordination Next Gen

Export Clash Report BIM 360 Model Coordination Next Gen

Ability to export the clash report to a XML/JSON format for interactive consumption in other platforms via automation (i.e. Dynamo, Python scripts).


I agree.  if the clash testing functions in 360 Glue are to compete with the same functions in Navisworks, they will need to export reports as well as other updates to the configuration functions containing more detail.  Clash tests, viewpoints, markups from Navisworks should flow into the 360 Glue tools with the model and the reverse as well.


There needs to be the freedom to create clashing, views and markups in either platform depending on the skillset of the user and availability of platform.

Not applicable

Almost a year later and the same idea is needed !


Once in a web service long time ago, there was an idea... that nobody listened to... I gave up this forum way back, looks like its not getting any better. I´m not asking that they implement anything, but at least reply & keep the discussion going. 


Once the data was more free, but now it cannot roam as far or as well. The analytics are wonderful but there is more we need to do.

in the Old Days, sure we had to travel to different systems to accomplish our tasks. Glue was in one quadrant, Field in another. Team was deep in the center and Docs was a mysterious system far out at the edge.

i once traveled with one who did the Glue - Field - Docs run in a 14 hrs.....


This is something that is required by our clients! Need the function to be integrated. 


For documentation purposes, clash report is very important. BIM 360 workflow in Model Coordination module is flawed. The items in the Docs Issues is useless - it only shows 1 link model which is not very helpful to understand the clash.


seriously, data that is locked in a container is not useful.  if the NextGen platform is built on a goal of collaboration; then make it collaborative .. beyond itself.

So no response from autodesk yet?. How can i do a report for my clients each week if I cannot export clash report


Government clients are requiring this documentation. This software will be a hard sale without the export feature. Please bring this in soon.

Community Visitor

The export feature is much needed in this world, clients are more and more requiring reports indicating not only that clash detection was thoroughly ran on the models, but also that all discovered clashes are resolved. It's difficult to pitch this much better method without the ability to export those reports. Please get this feature in the pipeline. 


McCoy87 makes a good point. Clients beyond government entities are starting to request broader forms of output documentation so export functions will become the go/no go pivot for this platform very soon.


Any steer on this one?




I see your bump and raise it a 'What The ?'


Any update on this ?


I've just raised this with our customer success manager and support at Autodesk and had no idea these were all known issues already and have been for what is quite clearly an eternity. It's disappointing and no wonder we're being encouraged away from B360 so much, it does some things wonderfully but then the basics are just not there at all, it needs to keep up with industry needs.


I know it is not 'in product' per say but it could be done via Autodesk Platform Services as it is explained here


Yes Please.... 


The ability to run interference checking in BIM360 is an obvious progression. Only being able to make a report from  identified issues isn't even that bad. But having to manually create an "issue" for each individual clash is a real pain.


A large project may have hundreds if not thousands of clashes early on. The project I'm currently testing on has over 2500 clashes currently and I don't even have all the scenarios I have in Navisworks setup yet. That means you almost have to have some dedicated to identifying and assigning Issues.  that's not going to happen.... there needs to be a way to create issues of all clashes, or at least groups of clashes, so they can be selected in groups and assigned to team members.


let us create clash reports!! or at least the hability to batch create issues for every clash detected.


I hope Autodesk allows us to export the clash reports from model coordination soon. This is far overdue. 

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