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BIM360 Vault Job Processor - need of manual "check for devices"

BIM360 Vault Job Processor - need of manual "check for devices"

While using project synch for BIM360 and Vault our customer gets a JobProcessor problem in case of new BIM360 Docs projects. 

If a new project is created in BIM360, the JobProcessor Autodesk ID must be added as a member of the project. 

So far so good. However the scheduled synch job would fail because there is a need of an additional manual workflow. It is necessary to use the option "check for devices" on the JobProcessor machine. If you don't do this, the Job will fail because of missing access to the needed project files folder of the new project.

Certainly the customer's employees don't have access to the JobProcessor machine. Therefore IT-Admins need to assume this workflow for each new project. This is very uncomfortable. 


Further options would be to restart the machine or the desktop connector. However these options are not comfortable.


So it would be a great improvement to...: 

- get a job which does the "check for devices" workflow

- get an API to create such a job (Your Customer Support told me there is no API-function available)

- get an opportunity to configure the time period without any restart

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