Productivity Now: An Efficient Input Option in Revit

Effcient Input Option 00.png

The Challenge

When entering data or selecting a material, it can take a lot of extra time to wait for the dialog to open… only to pick an option you already knew you needed. The material dialog is a good example, as it can take a long time to open on larger complex projects.


Just Type or Paste in the Desired Text

In many instances, when you click in a field and would normally click the ellipsis button to open a dialog, just type or past the desired input. For example, in the first image below, the properties for the selected Space, I can click the ellipsis icon to open the Space Types dialog and scroll through the list, but I know I need to change this space from Office – Enclosed to Restrooms. I simply type Restrooms and hit enter. Done.




Another similar example, in the image below, is in a schedule. Again, I could click in the field and open the Space Types dialog, or I can copy adjacent text and paste it into the desired field. With the information still in the clipboard, I can continue to paste it multiple times, as needed. We can never have too many restrooms, right😊


Effcient Input Option 02.png


This third example might be the biggest time saver… opening the materials dialog can often take extra time based on the number of materials, size of project, and graphics card/driver installed. Below are just two examples of all the places a material selection option appears.




If you enter an invalid option, Revit will let you know. In that case, you may just have to open that dialog.



Small tips like this can save a lot of time, over time.

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