In copy design when using find and replace, there are options to select for where and which field (Look In and within) to perform the find and replace function, however, these options always need to be selected manually. If the user forgets to select these then he will end up doing it in the wrong field.
I'd like these options (Look In and within) to auto follow the context in which the find and replace dialog is brought up. That is:
1. If I right-click on the numbering panel and select find and replace then the within field should be set to Numbering panel too. If the focus is on the main panel then of course it should be set to Main Panel.
2. If I right-click on the Prefix field of the numbering panel then the within field should be set to the Numbering panel and the Look In field should be set to Prefix. The same should apply to the target path and target name field in the Main panel, Folders panel, etc.
This way it is much more convenient and efficient.