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Vault Data Stand workflow for multi-body?

Message 1 of 4
211 Views, 3 Replies

Vault Data Stand workflow for multi-body?

Hello Masters,


I have some problems with Vault Data Stand. When making components, Vault is generated the filenames with correct number scheme. Then saving the .iam => Datastand regenerate the filenames (For all documents). Btw, I must click OK for all documents (I don't want to fill anymore properties. I am using vault datastand because it helps to auto select categories and number scheme). See attached video to understand more!!!


How to custom that? What is the best workflow for working between Datastand and multibody files?

Thank everyone.


Message 2 of 4
in reply to: Dai_Tech

Can somebody help me?

Message 3 of 4
in reply to: Dai_Tech

This is my solution, we just skip all the data standard dialogs for multi-body parts:


in Default.ps1:


function InitializeWindow
    #begin rules applying commonly
    $dsWindow.Title = SetWindowTitle
    #end rules applying commonly
    $mWindowName = $dsWindow.Name
    switch ($mWindowName)
            #rules applying for Inventor

            if ($Prop['_CreateMode'].Value)
                # the document is .iam and it is the active document
                if ($Prop['_FileExt'].Value -eq '.IAM' -and $Document -eq $Application.ActiveDocument)
                    SkipMultiBodyParts $Document
            #rules applying for AutoCAD
    $global:expandBreadCrumb = $true

# skip multi-body components
function SkipMultiBodyParts($doc)
    $occs = $doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences
    foreach ($occ in $occs)
        if (IsNewMultiBodyPart $occ)
            SetDocumentProperty $occ.Definition.Document 'User Defined Properties' 'SkipVDS' $true

function IsNewMultiBodyPart($occ)
    $def = $occ.Definition
    # it is part component and just created
    if ($def.Type -eq 0x5000200 -and $def.Document.FileSaveCounter -eq 0)
        if ($def.Features.Count -eq 1)
            # it is the single only feature of the part
            $feat = $def.Features[1]
            # it is a ReferenceFeature derived from a part and is a solid body
            if ($feat.ReferenceComponent.Type -eq 0x500A700 -and $feat.ReferencedEntity.IsSolid)
                return $true

    return $false

function SetDocumentProperty($doc, $propSetName, $propName, $propVal)
    $propSet = $doc.PropertySets[$propSetName]
    $prop = $propSet | Where-Object DisplayName -EQ $propName
    if ($prop)
        $prop.Value = $propVal
        $null = $propSet.Add($propVal, $propName)



And in Inventor.cfg:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="DocNumber" DataType="Text" InitialValue="{PathAndFileNameHandler.FileName}" />
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="Title" DataType="Text" InitialCopyValue="{UIString[CFG1]} {Prop[Title].Value}" />
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="Description" DataType="Text" />
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="Comments" DataType="Text" />
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="Folder" DataType="Text" InitialValue="." RequiresValue="true"/>
        <PropertyDefinition PropertyName="Original" DataType="Text" InitialCopyValue="{PathAndFileNameHandler.OriginalFullFileName}" />
    <!--Add INEST to the SupportedFileTypes if you want VDS to handle the .inest files-->



Message 4 of 4
in reply to: smilinger

Thanks sir @smilinger 

That is good ideas. I will try it!!!


I'm aslo skipVDS by custom properties. I create a new template with skipVDS custom properties for part file. Therefore, I just edited the code in Inventor.cfg. 

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