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Revision History Attributes missing checker

Revision History Attributes missing checker



In the "Upchain attributes codes" exists the following:

Created by

Approved by

Drawn by

Checked by


In Wbx case, we have the intention of making a commun 3steps release workflow:

Drawn by (or created by)-> Checked by-> Approved by


So far, no problem, but in case to keep a revision history we loose the attributed of checked by.


So the Drawn by (created by) -> links to Revised by 1 (2 and 3)

Checked by -> no link

Approved by -> Approved by 1 (2 and 3)


Would be great to have in the Revision History table the Checked by-> linking to Checked by 1 (2 and 3)


Thanks for the attention,

Tiago Araujo

Status changed to: Gathering Support

Dear @tiago.araujoL99AX,


Thank you for submitting to the Upchain idea forum.


Q1: Do you wish to have that as your internal revision quality scheme because I am unaware of that requirement for drawings?

Q2: For which industry/segment are you manufacturing?

Q3: What current problems you would solve by having a checker marked on the drawing?


When I would design drawings in the past, automotive or machine building industry, we would have the following fields for tracing purposes:

Title block:

Drawn - who modified that specific drawing version

Design - original designer of the drawing (this name or initials would never change)

Approved by - approver of the change

Revision table:

Revision - all drawing revisions

Date - date of the release

Revision note


Best regards!






Replying to your comments:

Q1 - Is internal to keep tracebility, if in the title block we have designed by, checked by, approved by. Once I want to keep a revision history we want to keep the tracebility on the drawing;

Q2 - We make consumer electronic products 

Q3 - Solving the history tracking of a drawing/ part, changes etc.


What you are describing is a simple workflow of drawn and approved. We are using a 3 points workflow. Drawn to checked and checked to approved. So there is 3 people.

In the Upchain attributes codes this already exists. 




Hi Tomislav


so the use case is a three step approval (or 6-eyes principle): the designer starts the workflow, then first a senior desinger has to approve it and after that f.e. the product owner/manager has to approve it.


But what is the status of this request? It seems to be solved: 




The CR workflow had just 2 User decisions and the attributes were mapped correctly, as you can see. 



And the other question I have is about the creation date or the creator of the first revision. 


In your comment you have mentioned, that at your previous company you had the following attributes in the title block: 


So you also had the creator of the original drawing/revision in the title block and this is a request from some customers I have faced. 


Now you can map the information for 3 previous released revisions, but not for the original/first one. And the codes {%34%} and {%35%} relate to the drawings that were created current released revision. 


Is it already considered to inlcude this information to the curly codes? The drawn date and creator you can get from the CAD, but that's not a perfect solution, specially for the user, as this information may not be maintained in the CAD. And you don't have the CR data in the CAD, so you cannot add the information who approved the first revision. 


If it is not already considered, I would create an extra request for this. 


BR, Szczepan

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