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Sweep 2 binaries

Sweep 2 binaries

It would be appropriate, in order to facilitate the modelling of curved elements in space, to be able to perform extrusions through two directrices and a generator. The command has been implemented in "Rhinoceros" for years.


@studio.valdemarin ,


Do you mean like a Swept Blend in family creation, or something more than that?




Hello, more than that.

The problem arises when drawing spatial surfaces with double curvature and a generator rotation, if I am not clear I will send you an email with a video.

Hi, @studio.valdemarin ,

I think I understand what you are asking. Thank you for the additional clarification!

Grazie; mi tenga aggiornato su ulteriori sviluppi o integrazioni  a riguardo.

Thank you; please keep me updated on further developments or additions in this regard.

Enrico Fezzini

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